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  1. bjorne_again

    FOTD Catch-up: May 20 Rainbow!

    Hi all! I've been away from Specktra all summer and I'm happy to be back! I've got a lot of catching up to do! i think this is my... second? or maybe my favourite FOTD i've ever done, so prepare to be inundated with photos smiling bad side: flash: close-ups...
  2. bjorne_again

    Photoshop Protocol & Insulting Photographers

    I'm building my portfolio and I keep getting images from photographers where I don't like the way they photoshopped or they didn't do it at all. If they send me uneditted versions, can I photoshop them myself for my use in my portfolio? Sometimes they over airbrush the skin - I always like to...
  3. bjorne_again

    Help with clients' eyelashes!

    So I've been building my portfolio for the last few months with about a dozen photoshoots, some paid, some creatives, but I have a serious hate on for dealing with eyelashes, curlers, and mascara on other people. If you'd like me to post some of my work, I can. I'm asking here because I think...
  4. bjorne_again

    MAC red lipsticks

    Taken indoors, NW 15 skin. (L)flash___________________(R)no flash + direct sunlight__ flash + direct sunlight(over-exposed)
  5. bjorne_again

    Part III of FOTDs never posted to Specktra =)

    This first one was inspired by son_risa's belle azure look
  6. bjorne_again

    Inventive FOTD!

    I love my Inventive Eyes quad! I use it all the time but never take pics, so i took a BUNCH yesterday. Sorry there are so many, but i just LOVE the way i look when i wear it! so, i become this insanely vain cam-whore. Hope you like them! just the eyes: i thought this one...
  7. bjorne_again

    Installment II of old FOTDs never posted to Specktra =)

    From oldest (Dec 05)to newest(April 06). Copper eye(scuse the rank brows, i just threw this makeup on quickly to swatch copperfield for someone!): Elite on inner lid, amber lights on central lid, coppering on outter lid, coco beach in crease, elite and coppering above crease slightly...
  8. bjorne_again

    My First photoshoot! Photo Heavy!

    I got a call from one of my friends friday night - he needed a model for his friend's photoshoot. She's a designer applying for the Project Runway Canada, and she needed to shoot some of her stuff so she could have a kickass portfolio for the application. Anyway, she hired 3 models from Elite...
  9. bjorne_again

    5 completely different FOTDs not seen on Specktra! pic heavy =|

    I've been active on LJ for a while doing makeup stuff, but only recently started posting stuff here because I've been intimidated. Anyway, I figured since I haven't done any makeup on myself recently I would put up some of my more recent FOTDs that y'all haven't seen! =) Face: EM fair...
  10. bjorne_again

    Corals and Fuchsias, pigments

    Direct Sunlight, Flash: Direct Sunlight, no flash: I thought these might be handy! hope they're helpful and they alleviate some of the confusion of the colour naming for corals, fuchsias, and brights!
  11. bjorne_again

    St. Patty's FOTN

    Instead of a shamrock i had a brainfart and drew on a club, whoops! Anyway, here are my [numerous] photos! yep. so that's me thinking my "shamrock" was so great. what a goof. just the eyes: me and my boy! Face: EM fair neutral matte EM sunlight concealer under eyes MAC...
  12. bjorne_again

    Crazy Boxy Rainbow Tutorial

    So, I did this look a very long time ago in a very far away place and figured I'd post the tutorial here since it's definitely out of the ordinary. Hope you find it interesting or useful in some way! Here's the crazy o' look we'll be doing! Ok! So here is all the stuff used! You can obviously...
  13. bjorne_again

    Pink Cabana vs. Dainty Cake for ninabruja

    Flash, artificial light: Flash, on NW15 lips:
  14. bjorne_again

    Aquavert vs. Metamorph vs. Juxt for peaudane

    Flash, artificial light: better pic, same conditions:
  15. bjorne_again

    Dazzleray vs. Goldernaire vs. Deckchair for Sweet16x2

    Flash, artificial light:
  16. bjorne_again

    Azreal Blue vs. Deep Blue Green for jenniferm1972

    Flash. artificial light:
  17. bjorne_again

    Era vs. Patina vs. Subtle for Nadine

    Flash. artificial light:
  18. bjorne_again

    Bright Fuchsia vs. Bright Coral for rgis222

    Flash. Artificial Light:
  19. bjorne_again

    Golden Olive vs. Night Light vs. Golder's Green for XxTinker_BellxX

    Flash, artificial light:
  20. bjorne_again

    Honesty vs. Woodwinked for lara

    Flash. Artificial Light: Flash. Artificial Light: