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  1. SonRisa

    2 FOTD's from yesterday, 1 from last week

    For work (@5:30 am) - ughhhhh! Etiquette- Friends Birthday Dinner - Eyes: Fast Response Eye Cream with 217 brush, Bare Canvas with 217 brush, Melton Mauve and Mink Pink with 224 brush in crease. Hepcat in crease with 266 brush. Nocturnelle in crease with 219 brush. Canton Candy...
  2. SonRisa

    Some "avant garde" looks . . .

    Halloween weekend Christina's Viva Glam V look recreated for the AIDS Walk Randomness . . . -y skin is FOREVER dry and it never takes very well to being covered completely with any kind of foundation. Harajuku girl (for work) Madame B Masks(again for work)...
  3. SonRisa

    copy/paste = freeze

    For the past few days, everytime I try to copy and then paste text from somewhere else, Specktra freezes up on me and it never gets posted. I don't have this problem on any other site, so I'm not sure what the problem could be :-/ Help please!
  4. SonRisa

    My Favorite "looks"

    So now that I've actually posted a FOTD here, rather than just limiting them to LJ, here's some past looks I've done that are my favorites For our Ornamentalism event: Eyes: Bare Canvas as base, Soft Brown in crease with 224 brush, Sensualize defined in crease and on outer and inner lid...
  5. SonRisa

    First FOTD on Specktra :)

    Eyes: Fast Response Eye Cream all over with 217 brush, bare canvas all over with 217 brush, Soft Brown in crease with 224 brush, Rule in crease (defined) with 219 brush, Tease N' Teal on lid with 242 brush, Mythology at inner corner of eye with 236 brush spritzed with Fix +. Embark on outer...
  6. SonRisa

    My collection . . . **Edited**

    MAC(other brands are below) The last three palettes that have various colors in them are all discontinued/le shadows. LE palettes My beloved shadows that are in MAC's original packaging. Yes they get their own picture dammit! Discontinued and Limited Edition shadows...