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  1. Life In Return

    :: My UPDATED MAC Collection (PIC) ::

    Here we go --- Eyes *Shadows unless otherwise noted Amber Lights Aquadisiac Aristocrat Black Tied Blue Peep (fluidline) Botanical Chrome Yellow Club Cranberry Crystal Avalanche Da Bling Electra Electric Eel Girlie Gorgeous Gold Idol Eyes Mythology Nylon Phloof Retrospeck Surreal Sweetlust...
  2. Life In Return

    Just got off work... :)

    Just got off from work, so it's not fresh, but I was inspired by .Serenity.Eludes. It's a lil worn, so yea... Bare Canvas paint Golden Lemon pigment Electric Eel eyeshadow Crystal Avalanche eyeshadow All Black fibre rich mascara
  3. Life In Return

    Studio Matte Foundation - Any users ?? Question.

    Has anyone had any problems w/the Studio Matte foundation being oily on your skin ? I alternate between that and the Hyper Real, and whenever I wear the Studio Matte, my face feels oily, which is the opposite of what I wanted when I purchased it
  4. Life In Return

    The Basix :) EOTD

    Okay, this started out w/me using Electric Eel and planning to BLEND it with Woodwinked... HOWEVER, that is not what happened. I did this about hm... 7 hours ago before I went to work MAC Studio Matte NC50 NC45 Concealer Stilife paint as base Electric Eel (although you can't really see it)...
  5. Life In Return

    My very 1st FOTD

    Just bought a digital camera today So here is my very 1st FOTD. Still learning how to use my camera so be patient w/me, lol. Here goes: Skin: Hyper Real foundation - NC500 Concealer - NC45 Fix + Eyes: Stilife paint Rose pigment Phloof e/s Crystal Avalanche e/s - highlighter Cranberry - crease...
  6. Life In Return

    MAC Paints | Recommendations ??

    Ok, I really want to get into the paints. What are some recommendations ? You can check out what I have already in these threads: You can get an idea of what I have already and what would...
  7. Life In Return

    Olay Regenerist ?

    Does anyone use the Olay Regenerist line ? The commercial got me, I must admit, lol.. so I went to Walmart and got the Thermal Polisher and the Daily Regenerating Cleanser so we shall see in 10 days! The thermal polisher is SO cool... it actually gets...
  8. Life In Return

    MAC MA | Salary ?

    I am currently working as a supervisor in retail. There is a MAC store opening at a mall nearby in March. I am debating on applying there. Can anyone who works at one tell me what the pay is like ? You don't have to tell me numbers, but just a general figure. Thanks, guys; really appreciate that
  9. Life In Return

    Hey everyone.. :o)

    Hey guys, the name is Jai, and I just joined today Was making a list of my MAC products and couldn't remember exactly WHAT Rayothon was (lustreglass and such), so I googled it, and found Specktra! I am glad to be here; I am a MAC fanatic. I have spent over $200 this past week on MAC...