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  1. K

    bh cosmetics

    hey ladies was wondering if the quality of bh cosmetics was any good? They're palettes seem pretty cheap what usually mines the quality sucks but not in all cases. Thanks
  2. K

    Halloween makeup - Real life barbie

    I recently did a tutorial for real life barbie makeup, Theres a couple russian women that look like real life barbies so I decided that I'd do a tutorial showing you how to apply the makeup to look like a real life barbie, kinda creepy I know ( Russian real life barbie featured above )...
  3. K

    Sigma brushes any good

    hey ladies, I was wondering if Sigma brushes are any good? I heard great things about how they were made and the price is fairly cheap just wondering what you guys thought.
  4. K

    What does beauty school teach you?

    hey ladies I will be starting a career soon and I was thinking about being a makeup artist and a lot about makeup and it's something I love and am very passionate about so I was thinking about going to school for doing it. Just wondering what kind of things you learned in beauty school...
  5. K

    what do you use to wash your makeup off at night

    I`m wondering what you lovely ladies use to take your makeup off at night. I have been using a crapping face wash and wanted to find something better for my face and skin, do you wash your makeup off with something different then you wash your face. Thanks ladies
  6. K

    I'm composing a list of the best brand name products

    Hey ladies, SO, I'm doing a make up makeover and have decided to buy a butt load of new high end products and I want to know whats your favorite high end makeup product and why do you like it so much? Looking for brands like urban decay too faced makeup forever...
  7. K

    Whats your favorite beauty sampling service?

    Theres only 4 beauty sampling services in canada topbox glossybox gylmm loose button ( luxe box ) I am on the waiting list for topbox, but I want to know if very many of you subscribe to these makeup boxes? which one did you like the most? and which one...
  8. K

    Best drugstore anti wrinkle cream

    Hey, Ladies I'm looking for a anti wrinkle cream that's under 40 bucks, a couple options would be greatly apperciated. I want to start using anti wrinkle cream, not because I have wrinkles but because I want to pervent them from coming. Love to hear your opinions...
  9. K

    What does your man think of the makeup you wear?

    OK, so I Know guys always say sweet things like, oh you look beautiful without makeup on. Whatever I mean unless you fell into the good genetic jean pool, then you need a little makeup here and there. I always ask my man what he thinks about my makeup. Is it to dark, to bright, to much...