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  1. Le-Saboteur

    Yet another blue FOTD from me :)

    Hey guys! Yep, that's right, I'm posting another blue look. I'm sure it looks incredibly similar to another one I posted here, but it's so eaaasy and pretty. I love them >.< There's no point in me doing makeup during the week now, as I'm at mu school and we have to model for each other, so I've...
  2. Le-Saboteur

    Endless Frustration

    I got Endless Love in the post yesterday, and, wow, what a gorgeous colour! Unfortunately, it is also the most frustrating damned eyeshadow I've ever used. It's just really hard and I had to use a sponge tip applicator to apply it, and even then there was very little colour payoff. I had to pack...
  3. Le-Saboteur

    Star Violet Love

    Out of all the colours in the Warm Eyes Antiquitease collection, it's Star Violet that I tend to pass over the most. So I thought I'd bite the bullet and use it as a main colour, instead of just in the crease. I actually really like it- the colour is easy to use and doesn't require much...
  4. Le-Saboteur

    Two More FOTDeezies.

    Hey ladies. Last night I decided to paint my nails bright purple and thought I'd follow the theme with my makeup today. So far I've only used Pagan for green/green-blue looks, so I thought I'd branch out a bit! What I used Face Select Moistureblend SPF15 in NW20, Select Moisturecover in NW20...
  5. Le-Saboteur

    School Interview FOTD

    This is the look I did last Friday when I had an interview for a makeup artistry course I've been looking at attending. I wanted to look glam, don't know how I pulled it off. I had both super dry skin under my eyes (reaction to a moisturiser I tried out about a week ago) and I'd broken out on my...
  6. Le-Saboteur

    Chrome Yellow + Pagan + Humid = Cocktail Umbrella...?

    CORRECT. I did this look today, for kicks. Turned out to be a good look for the day, as it was 34 degrees celsius outside and a couple more inside. Yay, working on the hottest day we've had for the past year. So, anyway! Face Select Moistureblend SPF15 in NW20, Select Moisturecover in NW20...
  7. Le-Saboteur

    Cosmic Concert FOTD +1

    Sooo, last night I attended my first MUSE CONCERT!. It was amaaazing. I knew that we didn't have enough mula to get anything from the merch stand, so I did my best Muse makeup instead Face Select Moistureblend SPF15 in NW20, Select Moisturecover in NW20, Maybelline Pure Powder in Light, BYS...
  8. Le-Saboteur

    "You're a real rocking kitten"

    ... Or so said my boyfriend when I showed him yesterdays makeup I actually really liked how it came out- it was my first time wearing red lipstick in public and it was a weee bit scary. Anyway, onward- Face: Select Moistureblend SPF15 in NW20, Select Moisturecover in NW20, Maybelline Pure...
  9. Le-Saboteur

    Peacock Lady FOTD

    So, another colour heavy FOTD from me. I quite like these colours together, and it was fun to do. Face: Select Moistureblend SPF15 in NW20, Select Moisturecover in NW20, Maybelline Pure Powder in Light, tiny bit of BYS pink blush on the apples Eyes: Naked pigment as highlight, Golders Green...
  10. Le-Saboteur

    Heeey ladies! (3 FOTDs)

    Heya all. Hope everyone's been doing good since my last post. This week I had fun doing my first filled-in (only with eyeliner >.<) brows. I may look into getting some actual brow shading stuff, the subtler approach turned out pretty well. Anyways, on with the FOTDs! Tropical eyes Face: Select...
  11. Le-Saboteur

    A rather reptillian FOTD

    I decided to do something fun/odd for my portfolio (need one for trying to get into the Cerificate in Makeup Artistry course I wanna do next year at the Design and Arts College here ) annnd since I read far too much fantasy and spend oodles of time playing video games, I decided to do a sort of...
  12. Le-Saboteur

    About a bazillion FOTDs- bolds and neutrals [Pic Heavy]

    Okay, so maybe not a bazillion. Some are good, some not so good. Blue Face: Select Moistureblend SPF15 in NW20, Select Moisturecover in NW20 (also used as base for eyeshadow), BYS Blush and Bronze, Thin Lizzy powder as contour Eyes: MAC Naked pigment as highlight, No name brand bright (middle...
  13. Le-Saboteur

    Pink eyes FOTD

    I felt like a bit of pink last week! I quite like how it turned out, even though up until this I never thought of pink as a good colour on me... Face Select SPF 15 Moistureblend in NW20 Select Moisturecover concealer in NW20 Eyes Cheap pallette light pink as a wash over entire lid and...
  14. Le-Saboteur

    Three more FOTDs!

    I felt creative this past week Green Face Select SPF 15 Moistureblend in NW20 Select Moisturecover concealer in NW20 Oooold brandless peachy blush Eyes Humid over the lid and up into the crease Kelly Green pigment over lid Old Gold pigment in inner corners of eyes Forest Green pigment in...
  15. Le-Saboteur

    My first Specktra FOTD! Or two.

    Yay, my first FOTD post on Specktra! I've been lurking here for aaages, so it's about time I came out of the shadows. Yesterdays makeup. Face Select SPF15 Moistureblend Foundation in NW20 Select Moisturecover in NW20 Eyes T'Estimo Quad - highlight, shimmery mid brown for lid, matte light...
  16. Le-Saboteur

    C-Shock in New Zealand

    So today I went into Ballantynes Christchurch to check out the new colour story and, lo and behold, no Wondergrass! Is this just Christchurch? I talked to the MA at the counter, and she was actually really rude about it. I asked specifically if they had Wondergrass, and she looked at me like I...
  17. Le-Saboteur

    Look! Another newb!

    But a kiwi this time. I've been lurking around for a long time so I figured it was about time to join up. Hi all