Search results

  1. Lalli

    Red Lips

    I really like the idea of red glossy lips and Russian Red l/s is one ive been looking to buy as i dont wear lipsticks much BUT will it suit my skin tone? or am i never destined to wear red xx
  2. Lalli

    Responses to Fakes

    ok I questioned a seller i think thier an australian seller regarding this itemMAC EYESHADOW this is the response i got. Hi, I have another person emailing me asking if these are genuine. Honestly, I have not come across any fake cosmetic. There are different collections in different part of...
  3. Lalli

    Reshaping Brushes

    ok all my brushes are pretty brand new. I decided to wash them all today including my new 187 brush, but am i reshaping them wrong? i used warm water and MAC brush clenser and like lil hairs stick out and they're not as smooth as when i bought them, as in i cant get them looking "perfect" my...
  4. Lalli

    My Collection

    its like 4 in the morning here and exam revision is doing my head in grr so i wanted to list my MAC. my baby brother broke my digi cam so i had to use my phone, never buy a phone just because its pink, im a sucker for anything pink! anyway im not a photoshop whizz so i just copy n pasted pics...
  5. Lalli

    Mac Mirror

    I bought the slimline mirror and on the box it has a back 2 mac logo, im kinda confused, a mirror cant become empty like eyeshadows lipsticks, pigments etc etc, so can I just take the box back :confused: *confused*
  6. Lalli


    ok heres something i did using some cheapo curlers! they cost me £3 my sister bust my Braun n i was too broke to buy sommet expensive then so i used them
  7. Lalli

    Paints "oozing"

    When i open the cap to my Graphito paint it kinda just spills out I have no control over it, why does this happen its such a nice color and so much is going to waste i cnt even put the spilt ones in a pot because it drys out Help!!! i'm too scared to open my other ones
  8. Lalli

    MAC Bible

    my friend emailed me this MAC Bible its got lots and lots of tips! including for an MAC interview! its really good with details on all its products and stuff. she got it off ebay for a £1.
  9. Lalli

    cheering up

    ok well recently i been like so stressed out and like arrrrgh with exam stress and stuff, and i used to LOVE taking my own pics but i kinda like put weight on n feel ugly blaah but anyway decided to cheer myself up2day! dnt mind my eyebrows im grwin em out oh and sorry for pic quality used my...
  10. Lalli


    i searched everywhere and i cnt find the thread which shows an eye and tells you which part is the lid and crease and all that!! could anyone tell me where it is
  11. Lalli


    I dnt know if this is in the right section i tried emailing everyone concerned but dont know if everyone got my email, if i've purchased items off you in the clearance bin and paid via paypal could you please contact me! asap! i havnt got any pm's left and im trying to remember usernames. its v...
  12. Lalli

    Prep + Prime - How Do You Apply It?

    sorry if its a dumb question is prep and prime for the face used before or after foundation application, ahh am so new 2 all these things any help appreciated! sorry if threads been done i searched but couldnt find anything
  13. Lalli

    Pigment Jars

    Hiya noticed in quite a few peoples hauls they have empty MAC pigment jars. are they only available to buy at pro stores and if so how much?? thank u sorry if its a silly question but my sister wants some of my pigments but refuses to have em in lil plastic tub thingys
  14. Lalli

    Will and Grace

    who watches this? over here in the UK the final series has just started but im aware it finished last week in the US, what happened?? am so upset its finishin i love that show
  15. Lalli


    2 years back 4 days after i turned 17 my father died. it hit me had being the oldest and also a daddy's girl. things changed for me. i dropped out of college because i missed alot of work and i moved onto a different one when the new term started in september. it felt like a fresh start for me...
  16. Lalli


    Ok i need some opinions.. I want to get my hair cut and i want this hairstyle but i need to know if it'll suit me.. n this is wa i look like um am nnot very photogenic
  17. Lalli


    Hi Sorry if this has been done. I just wanted to know what steps should i take in order to become a make up artist. I'd say am good at applyig obviously not the best but i've done stuff for friends/families for parties etc etc. i really like the idea of working for MAC but being a make up...
  18. Lalli

    Long hair

    Hi i want some advice. i dont straighten my hair as much as i used to and havnt dyed it in a while, my hair used to be alot thicker and longer but im in the process of growin it again but its like its reached a certain point and not growing anymore. wot can i do to help it grow longer?? thank...
  19. Lalli


    Hiyaaaa i'm new just thought i'd pop in and say hi im a mad MAC lover! I'm 19 and 4rm England. hehehe xxx