Search results

  1. Lalli

    Overcharging ebayers

    i came across this, over here they cost £4.50 dont know how much they are overseas but fairly cheap.. this seller is selling them for £12.99 more than twice the price!!!! Quad i emailed the seller to ask why so much for a item which isnt even rare. lets see wot response i get.. any other...
  2. Lalli

    My good and bad haul!

    My haul for today Pro pan e/s in Chrome Yellow Shimmermoss Honey Lust White Frost Sea me shadestick face and body foundation in C5{bad bit! ma was damn rude on returns she just expected my sister to have a allergic reaction or let it remain unused so i complained hehe to customer services}...
  3. Lalli


    I depotted 4 eyeshadows today {only managed to cause a lil dent in one e/s and first time depotting!!} and i forgot to buy some magnets to put under them for my pallette, where can i buy cheap ones that will do the job.. i came across these but they're £7.99 for 15! any help? tried ebay but...
  4. Lalli

    Missing Tint Toon

    ok i have Cleos Coral Kiss Daisy Daze Tempting Tillie Corquetish Clarice. somethings missing right? wot is it..
  5. Lalli

    Exam Results!

    I got my exam results today i got ABBc yay im so happy! im off to uni in september to study Law. i was so nervous that i havent eaten or slept all week! its like a great weight off my shoulders! hehe
  6. Lalli

    Day you were born

    Check this out! you can find out which song was number one on the day you were born! uk and us hits!! post up ur hits!! mine was January 1987: UK Hit:Reet Petite - Jackie Wilson US Hit: Shake You Down - Gregory Abbott Number One Song
  7. Lalli


    I love this show! and warrick's eyes are to die for, well so is he... hehe i got pics but i think they may be a lil too big mods let me knw if they are
  8. Lalli


    The Selfridges in Birmingham has a new Stila counter! i knw its not mac chat but thought id let u knw
  9. Lalli

    MAC and Lush Haul!

    my Amuse Haul: my camera is bust cnt take pics but the stuff is wow!! Eyeshadows: Persona/ScreenVinyl Illusionary/Burning Ambition Heat Element Fluidlines: New Weed Lithograph MSF Shooting Star i wish i had got Interview/Purple X i'll have to hunt one down!!! and its my mummys birthday i...
  10. Lalli

    Birthday Gifts

    ok its my mummy birthday on the 10th! im stuck of ideas as to what to do, shes our lil soulja been through alot and protected us all when dad died and shes been amazing i want to do something special but shes a really down to earth reserved lady she dont like lots of fuss, shes like "let me fuss...
  11. Lalli

    Amuse eyeshadows

    Hiya well im impatiently waiting for damn amuse to come out over here so ive saved up n stuff just wanted to know, are the new duo e/s's more expensive than the regular ones or same prices? fluidlines im assuming are the same.. any feedback would be great thank you xx
  12. Lalli

    Le Book Ny 2006

    i was on the pro site and wondered has anyone bought this?? From the site: Created in 1981 by Veronique Kolasa, LE BOOK is the world’s first and only trade publication for the fashion, beauty, design, entertainment, media and advertising industries. LE BOOK showcases images of today’s and...
  13. Lalli

    Baby Brother

    my baby brother is my world, i love him to bits, he even calls me mum sometimes!! im 19 hes 4 lmao!! hes the only boy after 6 girls in my family so hes spoilt rotten! just wanted to share a pic wiv u all
  14. Lalli

    Rebel Rock

    hiya is this real or fake?? i found a softwash grey aswell but not sure if they r real, if someone could guide me please. Rebel Rock
  15. Lalli

    Dry Hair

    Ok well basically my hair has gone through alot grr, i did a few home job dying which i deeply regret. my hair is like a reddish brown i want to go back to my normal dark brown. my hair is very dry and its lost its shine. what can i do to awaken it and make it look healthier again. ive stopped...
  16. Lalli

    Mac Mineralized Eyeshadow Tres Teal NIB

    Eyeshadows are these originals can only see the front of the box xx
  17. Lalli

    Pirates of the Caribean: Dead mans Chest

    Who going to see this?! im going on thursday to the first show cant wait! i love Johnny Depp
  18. Lalli


    i know this isnt MAC but are these real? CHANEL BRUSHES
  19. Lalli


    can anyone tell me if this mirror was a LE or fake? MAC MIRROR I love my plain black one and think they're cute and ive never seen this before as im fairly new to MAC..
  20. Lalli

    Me To You

    i got my bf a lil Me To You teddy just coz i felt like it and when i saw him last week the silly moo had the massive 3 ft tall Tatty Teddy in the car for me i was like i love him hehe oh ignore me i look ill grr