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  1. ashleyisawesome

    My Halloween Face Chart

    So I made my first face chart (I'm not very good at it: messed up on right eye, lashes, lips have no liner, etc) of the look I'm going to wear on Halloween with a leopard dress and leopard extensions. Don't criticize too bad.
  2. ashleyisawesome

    Halloween hair extensions

    I made these leopard print extensions to go with a leopard print dress, and, of course, leopard print make-up. I think I'll do a make-up test later. I want something more than just leopard eyes. Anyway, ignore my huge looking forehead and crappy looking makeup. I didn't feel like freshening up...
  3. ashleyisawesome

    Applying at MAC. Question.

    I've been wanting to work for MAC ever since I stepped one foot into a MAC store. I put in an application about 5 months ago, but at the time they weren't hiring. Well, I went in to buy a few things a couple days ago, and curiously asked if they are hiring holiday help. The MA said they are...
  4. ashleyisawesome

    Applying at MAC. Question.

    Oops. Double post. :-/
  5. ashleyisawesome

    Fall Coppering (Lots of pics)

    I just bought Coppering a few days ago, and it's already my all-time favorite Mac eyeshadow. FACE Studio Finish Concealer Studio Tech Bronzing Powder Mineralize Skinfinish Duo (Medium/Natural and Shimmer) Sheertone Shimmer Blush - Sunbasque EYES Jest e/s Coppering e/s Woodwinked e/s Bronze e/s...
  6. ashleyisawesome

    First FOTD :)

    Decided to take a few pics before I head out of the house. My camera died before I could get a good close-up pic, so I had to just crop a pic lol. Oh well, FACE MAC Studio Finish Concealer MAC Studio Tech MAC Bronzing Powder Revlon Naturally Glamorous Blush EYES MAC Jest e/s MAC Bronze e/s...
  7. ashleyisawesome


    Hey, I'm Ashley. I made an introduction post a while back, but I didn't really get active... So, I'm posting again. Hi! I'm 20 years old. I love animals, doing hair/make-up, web design, baking, etc. I'm a Biology/Pre-Vet major. Um, I guess that's all I can think of at the moment. I decided to...
  8. ashleyisawesome


    I'm guilty of lurking. I just love what I've seen here. Some of the tutorials here are amazing. Anyway, just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Ashley. So hi.