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  1. IDontKnowMomo

    Neutral look... for me at least xD

    Eee! I think I actually look decent in this fotd, my hair isn't crazy and I don't appear to be super tired. Not to crazy about the makeup though. It look alright, but it's kind of... boring. Face loreal true match - W4 mac select moisturecover - NW20 tiiiiny layer of mac studio fix - NC30...
  2. IDontKnowMomo

    e.l.f. blush?

    anybody tried it? should I get some?? tia :]
  3. IDontKnowMomo


    not sure if this is the right place to post this, but where can I purchase kryolan products? I know I can on Ebay, but I don't have an account. Is there any other website that sells their products? tia! :]
  4. IDontKnowMomo

    Lip Recommendations

    My lips always seem to be boring :[ any suggestions for shades of lipstick or lipliner? TIA
  5. IDontKnowMomo

    Bad days don't have to be bad makeup days!

    Ahh! today has been pretty hard so far. Woke up crying so I went back to bed. Went into school late and could do nothing but cry once I got there. I'm pretty damn stressed :/ But, as we all know, bad moods can be banished with making yourself up :] Face mac studio fix - NC30 mac select...
  6. IDontKnowMomo

    First FOTD :X

    D: Sorry about the shitty lighting and me looking tired. Face mac studio fix - NC30 mac bronzing powder - Golden origins brush-on color - Rose Dust mac fix+ Eyes mac shadestick - Penny mac eyeshadows (all from Royal Assets: Warm Eyes) - Retrospeck, Star Violet, Sowstopper too faced starry eyed...
  7. IDontKnowMomo

    Royal Wink and Blue Peep

    Just picked up these fluidlines any suggestions as to what to pair them with, or anything like that? PS: I'm NC25 TIA :]
  8. IDontKnowMomo

    Fyrinnae Cosmetics

    Anybody ever heard of it or tried it? I normally use MAC eye shadows, because... it's the best. But I don't really feel like spending 15$ on colors that I'm not going to consistently use, like bright yellow or blue. The colors on here seem as if they would be pleasing but I'm not quite sure...