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  1. MissAlly

    Pose like a fashion corpse and shed your denim skin my love;

    Shiiityyy; No mass amounts of make-up;
  2. MissAlly

    Lets sing songs about teeeeeeeth;

    This is from Saturday night at the Bite;
  3. MissAlly

    I just wanna fucking smash it with a sledgehammer and squeeze it,you'resopretty;

    Sunday; Saturdayyy; Yayayay at going out of town this weekend.
  4. MissAlly

    I'm so metal I eat nails for breakfast;

    Friiidayyy different from my usual briiiight stuffff. I look stoned; Soooo METAL; Saturday;
  5. MissAlly

    Nurse,will you please prep the sexual patient;

    This was after a drama filled yet pretty nice night; New sunglasses I got at an amazing little Vintage shop;
  6. MissAlly

    Dead before I stray;

    Into the Moat.<3
  7. MissAlly

    I got stabbed in the chest on my Birthday;

    New piercingggggg;
  8. MissAlly


    I haven't posted that much latelyyy. Friday; I can honesty not remember if I posted this look? Oh,I know my blush doesn't look that blended,yay flash.
  9. MissAlly

    Hey want to throw up;

    Get me naked.: ) My skin and hair hated me this week; Too bad this picture is in black and white and you can't see my new nostril piercing on the left;
  10. MissAlly

    Hammer smashed face - picture heavy;

    These are from yesterday,yucky day;I look either really retarded,stoned or pissed off in these pictures.Enjoyyyy. Yay for period pimple?Hahah. Yay for looking stoned; Andddddddd my cat had kittens saturday;
  11. MissAlly

    Where are movie stars?;

    Mmmmmmk my skin looks like SHIT,I forgot to put my strobe cream on,then decided to put it on top and it looks yuckyyyy. Oh and the eyeshadow doesn't look really blended,but it is; Kay,now I have to get ready for my uncle funeral.=/
  12. MissAlly

    It's the thuggish ruggish boneee - picture heavy,mannn;

    I was in a hurry and it was my first time using Rule and I fucked up,lots; Saturdayyyy,I only had like 40 mins;
  13. MissAlly

    Why can't you love me - Three diff. looks/pictureheavy;

    My skin looks badddd,I had a little 'breakout'. Yah,you can't really see my make-up toooooo well in these pictures; Randoms;
  14. MissAlly

    Right click my heart,save as broken;

  15. MissAlly

    And when we pray we will ask for mercy for all the sins we never did..alone;

    I can never get a good picture of my make-up;
  16. MissAlly

    And I need you now somehow;

    This is pretty much the last look I did,but I just really want to show off the new piercing.Haha. After falling alseep and waking up at 11:40; No make-up;
  17. MissAlly

    Getting f***ed while we dance;

    Hahahaha at my eye looking reallyyy lazy when it isn't like that at all in person. My skin looks oily in these pictures. Hello,randomshiiit;
  18. MissAlly

    Bite the curb,SNAP,you should have loved me;

    I neverrrrrrrr use brown colours; And yuckkkkk I hate how the camera makes it look not blended at all. I'm finally cutting the front oh my hair tomorrow.JOYOUS.
  19. MissAlly

    Your soul ripped from your stomach;

    And you gave an awful cryyyyy. Again I am in a pissyassmood,and I miss my Bread. I don't feel that pretty today for some reason so I cut my face out in most of the pictures. These were after a little teary eyed moment,so I tried touching up and failed horribly;