Get me naked.: )
My skin and hair hated me this week;
Too bad this picture is in black and white and you can't see my new nostril piercing on the left;
These are from yesterday,yucky day;I look either really retarded,stoned or pissed off in these pictures.Enjoyyyy.
Yay for period pimple?Hahah.
Yay for looking stoned;
Andddddddd my cat had kittens saturday;
Mmmmmmk my skin looks like SHIT,I forgot to put my strobe cream on,then decided to put it on top and it looks yuckyyyy.
Oh and the eyeshadow doesn't look really blended,but it is;
Kay,now I have to get ready for my uncle funeral.=/
This is pretty much the last look I did,but I just really want to show off the new piercing.Haha.
After falling alseep and waking up at 11:40;
No make-up;
I neverrrrrrrr use brown colours;
And yuckkkkk I hate how the camera makes it look not blended at all.
I'm finally cutting the front oh my hair tomorrow.JOYOUS.
And you gave an awful cryyyyy.
Again I am in a pissyassmood,and I miss my Bread.
I don't feel that pretty today for some reason so I cut my face out in most of the pictures.
These were after a little teary eyed moment,so I tried touching up and failed horribly;