Search results

  1. Goat Goat Etc.

    This GG GPS is really patchy when I apply it....?

    What's everyone using to blend out your GPSs? Brown, Now is melting into my skin and looks great blended out. But Greengrease is hella patchy! I don't think I could wear this one by itself. =(
  2. Goat Goat Etc.

    Just how do you start to run anyway?

    I sub a blog about college and a recent entry came up about why running is awesome besides the health benefits. -You feel accomplished -It clears your head -It's time to yourself -Stress is diminished But if you never run how do you get started? I literally do little 15 second sprints here...
  3. Goat Goat Etc.

    Was Lavender Whip Made in the USA? I'm alittle unsure...

    I recently ordered Lavender Whip through the Gone But Not Forgotten service provided by Estee Lauder. I read the sticker and it says "made in U.S.A" I thought all MAC lipsticks were from Canada? The batch number on the sticker matches the batch number sticker on the box--those alone make it...
  4. Goat Goat Etc.

    WOC: How do I get my curls back? (Relaxed fragile hair)

    [AGAIN, I post here because I've seen topics from facial hair to skin discoloration-I imagine my question can be answered quicker and more accurately here] Just got my hair relaxed and styled--but for the first time ever I got piece-y curls. I've always had my hair straight. I LOVED THEM...
  5. Goat Goat Etc.

    Miscarriages potentially illegal in Utah

    So a law in Utah is up for veto or not to make it criminal for a woman to harm her fetus, but this law gives way to being interrupted in all the wrong ways for anyone antiabortion with judicial powers. Utah: Making miscarriages a crime? - THE WEEK Utah Bill Would Make Seeking Illegal Abortion...
  6. Goat Goat Etc.

    Yep, because MAC throws collections at any person, MAC for Kim Kardashian

    Did you know that Pink Swoon blush is a LE blush of the Kim Kardashian collection!? Uh, no. Cause it never existed. And it's perm. MÀC SHEERTONE SHIMMER BLUSH "PINK SWOON" KIM KARDASHIAN - eBay (item 110493403762 end time Mar-13-10 09:06:05 PST)
  7. Goat Goat Etc.

    Lady Health Insurance > Dude Health Insurance

    So I was looking for recipes in old issues of BUST mag and found one in the FEB/MAR2009 issue for V-day and forgot this short article that raised my brows! It was about how women pay more for health care: BIG BUSINESS UNFAIR TO YOUR LADY BUSINESS: WHY WOMEN PAY MORE FOR HEALTH INSURANCE by...
  8. Goat Goat Etc.

    Utter Fun l/s vs. Lickable l/s

    I'd love to have one or both of these~ Which is more blue toned though? And they're both glazes/lustres right? I'd love the one with the most blue undertone in it. Which wins?
  9. Goat Goat Etc.

    Single on Valentines Day? What to do?

    I'm going to be alone on V-day. Is a bar/club the root way to go? I can't think of any other place to drown out the "lonely, alone, by yourself" in my head. I'm not gonna get drunk but I'd like to think--like Xmas and Thanksgiving night---the singles will be out in full force. If you have...
  10. Goat Goat Etc.

    Bad chemicals for chemically straightened hair? And treatment recs?

    (Don't know if this belongs here, I assume it can if a hyper pigmentation thread can be here. Why not this?) I'm no stylist. But I know there's wacky stuff in hair products specifically or non-specifically for black hair. If anyone could throw down any ingredients they know I should avoid in...
  11. Goat Goat Etc.

    Bad chemicals for chemically straightened hair? And moisture treatment recs?

    I'm no stylist. But I know there's wacky stuff in hair products specifically or non-specifically for black hair. If anyone could throw down anything they know I should avoid please do! Also, what could you recommend as a moisture treatment for chemically straightened hair? Techniques? I've...
  12. Goat Goat Etc.

    Finally deleted his number

    I've had a friend with benefits for over a year, yesterday made one year. But, of course, he was only a friend when he wanted the benefits. Didn't want to hangout or do anything fun any other time. It was always from my house to his and that's it. And when he's dated someone he'd act like I'd...
  13. Goat Goat Etc.

    Sharp Focus, Lovin' It, Hi Def l/s? Should I get either of these goodbyes?

    I have fresh brew l/s and I wonder if I should get Hi-Def right this minute since it's currently a MAC goodbye? And what about Lovin' It l/s? Or Sharp Focus l/s? Good nudes? NC50 for reference
  14. Goat Goat Etc.

    I'm oily so I ask, why moisturize?

    I've been perplexed for sometime about varying people's skincare routines involving moisturizers. Obviously, if you are crusty and dry...I GET IT. But what other reasons are there to moisturize your face? Is it like a PH thing for the face? Does it stop over-production of oil? Should I have...
  15. Goat Goat Etc.

    Would you recommend Cheeky Bronze MSF and this other thing?

    I'm NC50 and afraid of full on shimmer but I've seen these MSFs do wonders! I wanna get my first one and I'm eying Cheeky Bronze at my CCO. Anyone recommend it? What should I pair it with if I do get it? Also these 1/2 shimmer 1/2 MSF natural things exist there too. Should I pluck down some...
  16. Goat Goat Etc.

    Violetta l/s just went perm!

    I was looking over lippies on the reg mac site and saw it! Then checked the pro site and same there!
  17. Goat Goat Etc.

    Pro lippies going reg? I saw one!

    I ask because cause today I was looking at lippies on the mac site and Violetta l/s plucked itself in with the perms!
  18. Goat Goat Etc.

    PRO Shadows going PERM this FRIDAY!!!

    Me and another Specktra member met by chance and happened to visit a counter to discover them processing new merch. We saw shadows we assumed were for the Color Forecast collection but found out these are former PRO colors! They'll be at all counters and stores Friday! They are available NOW on...
  19. Goat Goat Etc.

    Does Blunt blush double as a face powder for anyone else?

    After reading raves on here I bought Blunt Blush from a CCO, tried to layer it for contouring but to no avail. Just doubles as a face powder for me now. Is this typical for anyone else NC50? What else can I use Blunt with to contour?
  20. Goat Goat Etc.

    Curly Lashes+False Lashes=Disaster!! HELP

    I have naturally curly eyelashes and would like to once in a while wear a pair of falsies over them. However my lashes are bucking broncos and refuse to give way. Anyone wanna be a hero and tell me how it's done? Cause I know it's possible.