Search results

  1. Pink_minx

    What did you buy today?

    Share your big or little shopping sprees that you bought today or during the last month! I bought.... Both tops or dresses, you can wear it either way (i just need to buy a dress slip dont want to be all c-thru! Both 4rom Urban Outfitters...yes im getting ready for the spring and summer hehe...
  2. Pink_minx

    Please recommend me some LUSH!

    Im new with lush and I just got some products in the mail. I wasnt too happy with the smell though. I got Sex Bomb which I heard was really good but it kinda smells like old lady?? I also bought Karma Komba and Jungle conditioner. They smell alright but I wanted to see if any of you LUSH fans...
  3. Pink_minx

    Hair color advice please!

    I need some advice as to what color would look good on me? Im thinking of a brown shade but not sure what shade I should get, like what would look good on my skin, I've tried a light brown shade but it just made me look pale and sickly. Any ideas? And what can I do to help keep the color long...
  4. Pink_minx

    Should I stay or leave?

    This is work related...I've been working at this retail place for about three months. Lately I've been feeling uncomfortable around my manager and this other girl I will call her Jamie. I hear from my other co-workers who have left the job already, and another is leaving too.. that they dont...
  5. Pink_minx

    How to remove makeup from fake eyelashes?

    I wanted to know how you can remove make up such like mascara from fake eyelashes?
  6. Pink_minx

    Any ways to earn extra money?

    Im in need for money...especially for school. By the time I buy all my books I will only have less than $100 in my bank account and Im going to have to pay for my insurance which is like over $150 a month then I have my little kitties to take care of I will be spending at the most $40 a month...
  7. Pink_minx

    Powders for oily faces...

    My face gets REALLY shiny from the heat and I cant decide what oil control powders will be good to get rid of the oilyness or just some of it at least and hopefully last a long time. I was thinking about that mac blot powder but im not sure because some people said it has something in it that...
  8. Pink_minx

    Make Up Forever star & diamond powder

    Have any of you girls tried their powder e/s? they look really nice, are they similar to MAC pigments? I wanted something really shiny/glittery/glowy something that will make my brown eyes stand out. But I dont want bright colors like orange, blue, red, green. Something that I can wear with...
  9. Pink_minx

    Chocolate Vs. Caramel which do you like the most?

    Im doing a project about chocolate vs. caramel. Im doing a poll chart thing for my class and I want to get more people's choices in what they like the most, and why they like either one and why its better than the other?
  10. Pink_minx

    America's Number ONE fear....

    So I finally got the guts to take the damn class...Public Speaking. Hearing that its the number one fear makes me feel a little bit better but still! im freaking out and is so nervous already and we havent even done any speaking yet. Today was my first day. I know I posted about speech a long...
  11. Pink_minx

    My parents have this little issue with my bf...

    My bf is stayin at our house for three months because he doesnt have a place yet until the first week of sept. And he lives a couple hours away from home, but cant go back home because he has a job here. So he said he will pay $100 a month to help with groceries. He already paid for...
  12. Pink_minx

    Question about the Driving Test!

    Im going to take my driving test soon and was wondering about the parallel parking test. Does the instructor have you park between cars? WHen my bf took his test he didnt park between two cars his instructor only have him parallel park next to a curb. I dont know if they change the rules? or...
  13. Pink_minx

    Where can I find the same l/g that JLO is wearing?

    Any lip glosses that can resemble the one that JLO is wearing?
  14. Pink_minx

    Customers can be so mean! geee.

    Ok so I've been working at this place for 4 days now. And just today I got a complaint! argh. I made a lil boo boo on the cash register, and knowing me of course im going to ask my co worker for help! and she was helping this other lady too but she helped me really quick and I was like ok I...
  15. Pink_minx

    I cant make a decision....

    I went to a meeting with my dad and my bf. My dad is in this business called the World Leadership Group (site: hes only been in it for a at least a year. he REALLY wants me to join and start training and start having my own business. And bringing family and friends to...
  16. Pink_minx

    Working in a clothing store...

    I was curious if any of you ladies and gents have worked in a clothing store? I've applied to two stores "styles for less" and "Wet Seal." I just wanted to know what managers are really looking for. Are they looking for someone who knows whats "in" when it comes to fashion? I've never worked...
  17. Pink_minx

    Listen to Paris Hilton's new song "Stars Are Blind"

    OK when i first heard that Paris Hilton was coming out with an album i cringed. IMHO i like her, but i was skeptical about this and thought it would be horrible! but luckily her song is pretty decent. Its not bad at all and I actually like the song. It sounds similar to Gwen Stefani's song...
  18. Pink_minx

    What do you think about Ecstacy?

    Im hearing from so many people saying that its great and that it is a safe drug compared to drinking and smoking. But I think to myself people have died from the drug, especially in young teenagers who have only taken it once. And I know people that does it and they are freakin losing their...
  19. Pink_minx

    What are some really good books to read?

    Im bored out of my mind, I hope I get this one job but for now I need to read something interesting...the last book I read was White Oleander and that was a LONG time ago lol so I dont know any books that will be interesting and I havent gone to Barnes & noble yet to look. Any suggestions on...
  20. Pink_minx

    Help on some advise w/ this Interview question

    Ok im kind of preparing myself for an interview tomorrow at Hallmark, I cant seem to figure out what i want to say if the interviewer asks me.."Tell me about yourself" I dont know where to start if I should talk about what college im going to or what my past job experiences were? I dont have...