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  1. mzreyes

    what MU should I wear with this shirt?

    I'm going to a wedding on saturday. I'm wearing this shirt with a white pencil skirt and some white pumps. I'm wondering how I should do my MU.. suggestions please? thanks! I dunno if you can tell in this pic, but its green. Maybe its just me, but on my comp. screen it doesn't look as green...
  2. mzreyes

    Got 'em on a chase like cranberry juice :)

    This was from.. a couple days ago? Sorry I didn't get any good frontal pics of my MU face.. dark msf dollymix star ipp eyes.. flammable paint passionate e/s sketch e/s carbon e/s pinked mauve pig. rite of spring e/s phoolf e/s nightfish f/l lashes lips.. blankety l/s rayothon l/g
  3. mzreyes

    tattoos :)

    Here are some pictures of my bf's tattoo, and mine! His has been in progress for a couple months.. He barely has time to go in a get some work done because of school and work.. (The second pic looks a bit scrunched :confused: ) and mine!!! This is my second tattoo, my first is a dragon on my...
  4. mzreyes

    Addicted to waxing.

    lol.. Seriously though!! I just bought one of those Gigi wax warmer thingies from Sally's, and I'm in love!! I waxed my legs, arms, underarm, bikini line and then some. It's so fun!! hahahaha.. please tell me I'm not alone on this I do have some questions though.. How many strips does it...
  5. mzreyes

    yes yes yoooooo!!!

    heres a couple fotds.. lets see if I can remember what I used. lol.. eyes: baselight paint, mythology e/s, star violet e/s, sketch e/s, carbon e/s face: dark msf, margin blush, pearl sunshine b/p lips: rayothon l/g? eww bruised piercing I did the MU on Cathiye and Cherry, the 2 girls on...
  6. mzreyes

    auto orange?

    I saw this l/l/l when I went shopping for my moonbathe stuff today, and I think I want to get the next time I go to the mall. It really is a beautiful color. How are you all using it? thanks! *I saw xsparkage's fotd using it with rose pigment, and I love that!
  7. mzreyes

    Moonbathed myself :)

    Today was a great day.. 1.) Woke up, went to my mom's house to see my newborn baby sister! I just wanna squeeeeze her!! But she's only 5 pounds, so I don't that would be a good idea. She was born about a month premature, but docs say she's healthy. Thinking about her always makes me happy...
  8. mzreyes

    I should really be sleeping..

    ..because I have to wake up in like.. 5 hours oh well! face.. (the skin under my eyes looks kinda dry because I left my fast response eye cream at my bf's house That stuff is AMAZING) powder concealor dark msf sweet william b/c star! pressed irid. powder eyes.. baslight paint nylon e/s seedy...
  9. mzreyes


    wehehhe!! I decided to try out the "classic look" after I saw Laura Doll and Graziella's (sp?) FOTDS. But, of course, I wiped off the lips before I went to work because I am such a chicken shit. lol.. First I had on Mac Red l/s with russian red l/g over it. I thought I was a bit too red, so I...
  10. mzreyes

    closed up piercings?

    Hey guys and girls.. I was thinking of getting a monroe piercing (is that the correct terminology? lol). And I was wondering what it would look like when someday, if I have to take it out for professional purposes, if its all closed up. Can anyone tell me, or better yet, have a picture of what...
  11. mzreyes

    my nose hurts :(

    It hurts because I have a really bad cold, and I keep blowing my nose. Now the skin around my nostrils is all raw and red I can't stop blowing my nose though!! UGH!! Does anyone know how I can make it better? I'm supposed to go out tommorrow night and I'm trying look cute with an ugly nose...
  12. mzreyes

    taste the..

    RAINBOW!! can you guys tell I like these lashes? lol.. face.. dollymix blush star! I/I/P/P eyes.. baselight and flammable paint fushia and vanilla pig. passionate, rule, chrome yellow, goldmine, humid, swimming, electric eel, freshwater, violet trance e/s classic cream l/l/l (doesn't look so...
  13. mzreyes


    How do you turn a good day into a great one???? Go to the CCO!!! I went to the one in Napa. I got... -Delphic f/l -Star! iridescent pressed powder -Sweet William blushcreme I loooove them Juicyaddict- they also had.. -fluidlines: blitz n glitz, silverstroke, nightfish, royal wink -quads...
  14. mzreyes

    Good aestheticians in CA?

    I've had 2 brazilian waxes, and I'm not exactly compelled to run back to either of the women who did them. lol.. Does anyone know of any good aestheticians in CA (around the bay area)? Come on girls.. theres gotta be that one aesthetician that you trust with your life!! well, with your waxing...
  15. mzreyes

    double shot.

    face.. powder concealor dark msf margin blush pearl sunshine b/p eyes.. baselight paint richground f/l (base) sunpepper pig. bronze e/s embark e/s blue brown pig. provence pig. vanilla pig. plumage e/s tealo p/p nightfish f/l lips.. style it up l/s instant gold l/g and this one because I'm...
  16. mzreyes

    make me better :(

    I've had THEE MOST CRAPTASTIC DAY. lol... Well, it started yesterday with my OK brazilian wax (I got lost on my way there), then later on that night, got into it with my bf, then I woke up in the morning to find my cell phone d/c because we forgot about the bill. lol.. I also wake up to find a...
  17. mzreyes

    please excuse the bored'ness :)

    face.. powder concealor style blush coppering e/s vanilla pig. eyes.. baselight, graphito, chartru paints mangomix s/s llama, phloof, scene, knight divine, carbon, black tied, bitter, swimming, rule, vex, nylon e/s nightfish f/l lashes lips.. love dust l/s c-thru l/g
  18. mzreyes

    sowwie :(

    I forgot it was me and the bf's anniversarry (sp?) today. He surprised me with this bootiful juicy couture necklace, and I already have the bracelet. weehehehehehe!!! face.. powder..concealor dark msf style blush pearl blossom b/p eyes.. baselight paint apricot pink pig. mothbrown e/s...
  19. mzreyes

    should I keep looking?

    Ok sooooo... I got my my first brazilian wax about a month ago.. and I'm due for my next one soon.. The last place I went to was nice, clean, etc.. But she missed a couple.. hairs? lol!!! Is that normal for the first time? Or should she have taken them all out? PLMK because I'm wondering if I...
  20. mzreyes

    "you really are a piece of work."

    Said my manager, when I walked into work this morning with my traincase. lol... I woke up late and after I showered, all I had time to do was my face MU and brows. He thought it was funny. Everyone else was like whoooaa thats a lot of makeup! face.. powder.. concealor dark msf margin blush...