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  1. luvme4me

    Withdrawing from a class[ this feeling sucks]

    I hate this feeling. I have tried so hard in my bio 3 class, but I don't think I will make it. Its such a depressing feeling, I have to retake the class next spring. I was good in bio during hs but as I was trying to study for our next exam which is like in 2 weeks I am just so confused and so...
  2. luvme4me

    Decent at home Dermabrasion kit?

    Can anyone reccommend a dermabrasion at home kit for cheap since I will be getting a treatment at the salon in 2 weeks
  3. luvme4me

    is ther a such thing as a mac booklet/catalouge?

    Is there anything avaliable even if its an old mag with everything MAC has made. I want to start collecting mac but I just feel overwhelmed when I go I want everything, I want to start with the brushes and I went on thier offcial site and there are so many! So I was just wondering if there was a...
  4. luvme4me

    Las Vegas, NV CCO (Las Vegas Premium Outlets)

    I am going there this weekend has anyone been lately?
  5. luvme4me

    Help me eyebrow color

    I am despretly in need for reccomendations I am about to dye my hair burgendy/red in a week. My hair is natrually dark brown. I need reccomendations for an easy to apply but lasting eyebrow color. Has anyone tried BE? I have never colored in my eyebrows should I just dye them every 3 days?
  6. luvme4me

    You can now use your Jcpenney card at!!

    I had heard about jcpenney was gonna put like a mini sephora in a couple of the stores but that wasn't gonna be till next year Wohhooo! I am so excited I have a feeling thats its gonna be bad for my penney card lol.
  7. luvme4me

    Not sure what to think of this?

    PLease bear wuth me as I try and explain it and a BIGG Thank You to whoever has some input. Me and this guy have been trying to hang out forever but something always happens anyways the situation was he had asked me if I wanted to hang out and see some live music and I was like sure so anyways...
  8. luvme4me

    Macy's Dior event? Dior Backstage Workshop

    Has anyone been to one of these yet? Thef lyer says they will teach you how to use the make up. It also says there is a 20 reservation fee that is 100% reedemble toward any dior purchase and they are also giving you a free dior case with some make up samples. The pic shoes some really good...
  9. luvme4me

    Esthetician School?

    I know thier are many ladies who are Esthetician's on here and was wondering how long is the schooling processes? Also anyone know of a school in the los angeles area? How much does it cost and what kind of supplies do you have to purchase?
  10. luvme4me

    Does anyone work for Coach?

    here is an opening at my local mall and was wondering if its difficlt to get hired thier. Anyone know thier discount?
  11. luvme4me

    Post Ur Make up containers/ Bags

    I need a new bag and cosmetic case. So post away please
  12. luvme4me

    why do they advertise for certain eye colors?

    for example I want to purchase this but its advertised for blue eyes and I have brown eyes
  13. luvme4me

    cheapest place to buy Dermologica products?

    anyonw have the hook up?
  14. luvme4me

    physicians formula is it good? does it cuase breakouts?

    I just bought it is it good? does it cuase breakouts?
  15. luvme4me

    Zeno Zapper

    Has anyone tried it? Does it work? How munch did you pay? Does it scar?
  16. luvme4me

    Best pale lip look [model lips]

    How do I get that pale pink lip look? I am trying to find some pics of it. I usually see it on models. ANyone know what I am talking bout?
  17. luvme4me

    Any members from other countries?

    Any? I was just wondering becuase I had a couple of question in pricing about some clothes and accessories
  18. luvme4me

    which traincase?

    I like this one cuase its pink but I can't seee how it opens up I like this one becuase it has the oull out drawers/ where as the oter one I can't see ryId=S5000
  19. luvme4me

    POP-Glitter Addict ryId=S10503 Has anyone tryed this? Do you think it would go on nice?
  20. luvme4me

    Anyone wear false lashes everyday?

    I was reading the lastest Allure issiue with Lindsay on the cover and she mentioned she wears false lashes everday. Does anyone else do that? Isn't kind of a hassle false lashes are sooo hard for me to put on. Is thier an easier way?