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  1. Miss Pumpkin

    Icy Stormy

    Once again I asked my boyfriend what makeup should I wear, and he said because it's super cold at the moment I should do some wintery, icy and stormy look... here's the results! Please note I did this in literally 5 mins before running off to work!!! USED: MAC Azreal Blue MAC...
  2. Miss Pumpkin

    Boyfriend's Idea FOTD

    Last night I asked my man to pick some colours for today's makeup and he went "Purple, silver and blue!!!" so that's what I did!! Let's see what he picks for tomorrow Enjoy! (Took these pics at my morning job and I only had clear gloss on my lips!!) Isn't it silly that receptionists...
  3. Miss Pumpkin

    On Sunday morniiiing...

    Here's a Sunday morning look!! Now me and the boy are going down to the street to do some Christmas shopping! (Lucky we live in the city centre mwahhahaa) USED: MAC Vanilla MAC Contrast MAC Pinkling MAC Aquadisiac Maybelline Great Lash Pure Luxe Haedrya Blush Biocura tender blush Duo...
  4. Miss Pumpkin

    Company Xmas Dinner FOTN

    Last night was the Christmas dinner from one of my companies ( I have two different jobs) and I did some christmasy red lips with gold and black eyes I had to do this reeeaaally quick because I had just finished at my other job and there was no time!!! The hair (in the elevator...
  5. Miss Pumpkin

    ColorOn.... Stickers!!

    I just found this online, and I'm all Has anyone used it? I prefr doing my own makeup of course, but you gotta give them credit for coming up with this idea! I'm sure it's good when you're in a rush! Index | eye shadow, coloronpro, instant makeup | colorOn Professional
  6. Miss Pumpkin

    Hairdos for the Holidays!

    In this season of reunions, dinners and company parties, I thought posting photos of updos for inspiration could be helpful SO enjoy, and make sure to post pics if you do any of them!
  7. Miss Pumpkin

    Flirty & Christmasy

    Brought to you by the colours Green, Red, and Pure Luxe's blush Flirt! I hope you like it!!! Today I'm teaching 16 year olds, lord have mercy!But first I'm off to buy some Christmas decorations!!! And here's a song for you all, it always puts me in a good mood YouTube - Its all right...
  8. Miss Pumpkin

    Winter Barbie? FOTD

    I decided to try something I wouldn't normally do... Hot pink lips!! It looks kinda cool, hehe. DON'T FREAK OUT, I'm changing my top now! Haha. Sorry for the photo-whoring! The lighting wasn't the best, sorry about that too! FREAKY CLOSE UP!!! And one to show the hair...
  9. Miss Pumpkin

    This is more like it! New Cam FOTD

    Now this is more like it! Starting to understand the new camera a bit better now Here's todays look, quickly done before going teaching! I hope those 5 year olds have mercy on me today! It ended up looking purple because of all the stuff I mixed, but I like anyway! *CUPCAKE HAIRCLIPS ON...
  10. Miss Pumpkin

    Little Haul, non MAC though...

    Here's some shopping I did RIMMEL's Play it Up palette + Deliplus Travel Brush Set (to always carry in my handbag for quick makeovers) Deliplus Translucent Powder + Green Concealer (for my MUA kit) CLOSED OPEN
  11. Miss Pumpkin

    Wedge technique FOTD

    Yesterday I saw this video:YouTube - MAKEUP GOURMET: Asian Eyes (even if you're not) Part 2 where they explained a technique I had never tried, so I gave it a go! It looks better in real life but I'm still trying to get used to the new camera... USED: MAC Pinkling Nixie Cosmetics Black MAC...
  12. Miss Pumpkin

    I'm back with a new camera!!!

    My camera broke last night But my boyfriend got a new one this morning! So after a period of absence, I'm back with more FOTD's!! I still have to get used to this camera (everything's coming out blurry at the moment, LOL) but here's today's look!! USED: MAC Lustreleaf MAC White Gold...
  13. Miss Pumpkin

    Super Old Look

    I found this look that I don't think I ever posted, it's from back in March when I broke my elbow, so keep in mind this was done using only one hand!!! MAC Vanilla pigment MAC Pinkling MAC Mystery MAC Electra Maybelline Turbo Boost Mascara Blush Maderas in Arena Bourjois...
  14. Miss Pumpkin


    Hello everyone Since I moved in with my boyfriend I haven't had much time to post here, but I want to catch up!!! A month ago I got my bangs cut again and I've been doing some modeling, so I thought I'd share! Here's some clothes I've shot for a thrift store's catalogue/website. Let me know...
  15. Miss Pumpkin

    Studio Photoshoot

    Hey girls! Long time no see! Living with the boyfriend leaves less time for girly activities hehehe As some of you know I model for a hobby, and a few weeks ago I was asked to pose for Valencia's Photography Association, for one of their lighting classes. It was very unexpected so I was just...
  16. Miss Pumpkin

    Best thing ever!!! Play fashion designer!!!!!

    I can't believe I didn't find this before... it's amazing!!!! You can create outfits with hundreds of items, and them save them and post them on your blog/forums. Endless hours of fun!!! Here's my first design!
  17. Miss Pumpkin

    A different Geisha (Photoshoot)

    Last week I did makeup and hair for Miriam Sanchez (Spain's Bodyfitness Champion) Here's the first pic I got back from the photographer! USED: Biocura Lipliner in African Beauty Pinaud Black liquid eyeliner MAC Mystery eyeshadow Nixie Cosmetics Night eyeshadow Sensilis Foundation in Doré...
  18. Miss Pumpkin

    FOTD To go out with my 2 fave boys

    My brother and my boyfriend! I used MAC Swimming MAC Sugarwhite MAC Lustreleaf Maybelline Turbo Boost Mascara Sensilis Terracota Powder (as blush) Margaret Astor blush in Arena
  19. Miss Pumpkin

    Some more PinUp modeling

    Last Saturday I had a photoshoot, and I love how the pics came out!! And of course I had the boyfriend with me
  20. Miss Pumpkin

    Happiest Day FOTD!!!!

    I'm about to go pick up my man from the airport yaaaaaay!!! I am so tired and sleepy because I haven't been able to sleep the past 2 tonights, I'm sooo excited!!! Here's my FOTD, still with my hair undone. I'm just letting it air dry on the way there! Caution: PORES AHEAD! Sorry, I...