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  1. Hilly

    Oh oh oh she's my cover girllll...oh oh oh..oh oh oh

    That's my song...Cover Girl by NKOTB...hopefully by doing a FOTD dedicated to the kids, it will send me good vibes in finding reasonable tix!! HEhehehe eyes cash flow pp jardin aires tilt flashtrack bell bottom blue bb eye kohl pallet (blue) plushlash lips fashionably fuschia carmex face bb...
  2. Hilly


    So...the Chicago show for the NEW Kids On the SOLD OUT!!! I am sooo sad I was ebaying and selling crap to earn the money to see my lovers and damn...all gone. I really hope they add more shows to Chicago or even better, Houston. Le Sigh!! I was about to get a perm, wear hot pink...
  3. Hilly

    Hot pink hoochie

    Hello! Here is today's look. Naturally, my camera washes all the color off, but it definitely kept my lips looking on par with how they are IRL. eyes: bare study pp your ladyship pig mauvement pig sable es bobbi brown kohl liner plushlash lips hollywood nights date night face bobbi brown...
  4. Hilly

    You gotta, Razzle Dazzle em!

    I feel so sparkly in my dazzleglass! My camera really washes me out! Blahhhh. Eyes: cash flow pp bell bottom blue lovely lily frozen white charred delft pp blacktrack plushlash lips flowerplay datenight dazzleglass
  5. Hilly

    I helped Haley find her face...><

    My buddy came over before going on a date and she wanted me to do her makeup. Well it is pretty washed out on here of course with my terrible camera, but it is ok. Eyes bare study gold mode sweet sienna carbon shroom urband decay in perversion plushlash face new vegas lips port red tadaa!
  6. Hilly

    Got all Hoe'd up yo

    My fiance is in NOLA for his bachelor why stay home and be boring??? My brosefs and I are going to my fav Houston bar. Eyes: cash flow pp golden lemon cocobeach motif black track aqualast ll plushlash lips port red plus luxe face powder new vegas Please excuse the messy ass room!
  7. Hilly

    Missing Chicago girl perhaps found on internet.. - Expert: Mystery Girl Photo That of Missing Chicago Girl - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News Wow!! I remember when this happend.
  8. Hilly

    Greek Families and Relationship dramz

    Hey everyone, This is a question on behalf of my best friend. She comes from afamily of 100% Greek origin and they are very much so into sticking with Greek to Greek dating. My friend has fallen in love with a Korean man and they are very happy. My friend hasn't told her parents about the...
  9. Hilly

    Copying another Snowkei look!

    I love this tut!! Today I have a big day!!! After work, I am taking my Mentee, Sam, to get a job! He just turned 16 and it is now time! Afterwards, My dude and I have our second Marriage Prep class, Pre- Cana stuff. Have a beautiful day...
  10. Hilly

    Stop this Artistic Murder! Petition!

    Copied from Facebook In 2007, the 'artist' Guillermo Vargas Habacuc, took a dog from the street, tied him to a rope in an art gallery and began starving him to death. For several days, the 'artist' and the visitors of the exhibition watched, emotionless, the shameful 'masterpiece' based on...
  11. Hilly

    zee engagement photos!

    Voila! Eyes: bare canvas gold mode sweet sienna blacktrack shroom engraved lips flowerplay do yalls men roll their eyes too when you kiss them???
  12. Hilly

    YEEEHAW! Got my hair fixed!

    Yo! SO my Specktra friends, yall were right, it was the wrong cut! I went back and got Poshi-fied- only a bit longer. But it is just the way I like it! Eyes: bare study pp going bananas firespot romping blue peep and black track fluidliners plushlash lips flowerplay lookin like a dumbass...
  13. Hilly

    My cat watches me put on my makeup..

    She sure is a patient learner! Eyes: stillife paint Pink pearl piggie violet piggie beauty marked thunder i think ud liquid liner plushlash shroom lips hollywood nights style minx c yaaaaa oh yes for the hair dealio, people at work said it was the same cut lol. We'll see when my buddy...
  14. Hilly

    Heatherette Closes?

    Fresh Intelligence : Radar Online : Heatherette Closes Up Shop?
  15. Hilly

    the hmmm not sure fotd

    Heya! So I got my hair did for my engagement pics this weekend. And I am not sure if I like it. I seem like such a complainer tho. I have gone back before after a bad haircut or whatnot and they fix it just fine. I mean , I pay a lot and come back often, so I shouldn't feel bad. The thing...
  16. Hilly

    Isabella Blow lipstick!

    Yea I hauled this lippie from ebay for $27. I hope it's a good price!
  17. Hilly

    {GAME} Would you rather....

    Ok this is a fun game. The next person choses from the last posters choices and then makes up the next two choices. Would you rather.... Have no eyelashes and never be able to get extensions or false lashes, etc. Or Give up both of your pinkie fingers ?
  18. Hilly

    My tribute to Snowkei! (pic heavy)

    Though I am not even a thimble of her talent, I have always loved this look she did. It took me about a YEAR to find the Chromazone 2 quad to get Unreally blue, but I did, and here is the complete look (minus lashes) Disclaimers: 1. My...
  19. Hilly

    Anniversary FOTD!

    My man and I are celebrating 3 years together today! Woot! SO I had to go easy on the makeup for he is not a fan of "tons of makeup". Eyes: stilllife paint corps de colour quad violet underground el plushlash blitz and glitz fluidline lips moderm miss real desire face medium blot new vegas
  20. Hilly

    Her first MAC!

    Yesterday, I had no clue what to get my neice who's 13th birthday is today. I was thinking maybe something from Libby Liu or Claires, but then it came to me...I will get her her first MAC! She LOVES makeup and wears the Claire's stuff all the time. I think she is ready. She is super special to...