Search results

  1. redambition

    does make up store measure up?

    forgive me mods, for i know there have been make up store threads before. seeing as "make up" and "store" are two very common terms used on specktra, a search brings up... oh so much. if you find the thread and want to merge - no problemo! well, a brand new branch of make up store has opened in...
  2. redambition

    need good vibes please

    so the boy went up to brisbane to visit his mum and siblings. this evening i got a call from him... he collapsed today and was unconscious for quite some time before coming round. he's now in hospital. all i know so far is that he needs stitches and a ct scan, and he definitely won't be...
  3. redambition

    RIP Isabella Blow a loss to the fashion world.
  4. redambition

    mineralize satinfinish shade help

    Hi everyone! I'm an NC 15 in Studio Tech, and NC 15 is a bit too light in the select liquid... which shade would I be in mineralize satinfinish... NC 15 or 20? I've heard it's very light. any help would be appreciated as it will be a while before i can get to a counter, so i'd like to order...
  5. redambition

    aromatherapy - the scented discussion thread

    any other essential oil nuts out there? thought i'd start a thread for aromatherapy afficiondos and people interested in finding out more about it. i've long been a fan of essential oils and aromatherapy, but my interest has grown substanially recently (much to the dismay of my credit card -...
  6. redambition

    Get some real use out of those LE compacts!

    I got my barbie compact.. and love it. To get more use out of it, i worked out a way of getting the shroud out of a MAC compact so I can swap a normal pressed powder into an LE compact. What you need: A soft surface to work on (I use my bed. whatever surface you use, make sure the compacts...
  7. redambition

    barbie loves mac - insert sad face here

    so, i couldn't get to a couner, and won't be able to til maybe sunday. i tried to order one lippie online... and my order just got cancelled because they were out of stock, even though stock was showing on the web when i ordered. it wasn't even the lippie i wanted (that was sold out), and i...
  8. redambition

    4 wasted years

    my partner of four years sent me a taxt message this afternoon saying "i don't want to live with you any more." i have no idea what to do. part of me wants to clean out the house and move into my own place, leaving him with as little as possible. the other part of me wants to just move back in...
  9. redambition

    My last haul (before shopping ban)

    I've put myself on a shopping ban. NOOOOOO. to help get me through, I had one last haul. I got: ModelCo Brush01 - Fine Liner (kinda like the 219) Bloom e/s - Spearmint Bloom e/s - Bleu Bloom e/s trio (holiday 2006, on sale!!) Blanc d'or, Pistachio and Moss Bloom GWP - Clear cosmetics bag...
  10. redambition

    hair appointment tomorrow

    and i don't know what to do! one thing is for sure - I want to get rid of a lot of the length. my hair is currently long, and i hate it. it has no volume at the roots because of it's own weight. as a result it looks lovely and wavey on the ends, but always looks flat on top (like the dreaded...
  11. redambition

    Happy 2007

    as above. happy new year to all! *hic* what loverly fireworks. :dancey: :dancey: :dancey: :woots:
  12. redambition

    when did a shopping trip become newsworthy?

    well if you're paris hilton, it must be. some lovely company decided to invite paris hilton out here to australia to judge some competition that involved chicks strutting around in bikinis. paris accepted. thanks paris. since her arrival in sydney, her every move has made the national news...
  13. redambition

    please be careful and drive safely

    i heard today that a school friend of mine was killed in a car accident on tuesday night. she was in a serious head on collision, and her car caught fire. the worst part was she was less than 10 minutes from getting home. there was a prayer service for her held today which i couldn't attend...
  14. redambition

    Silverette case is available in Aus!

    I've hunted down the delightful Silverette case. Yes, it's available here! It's a DJs exclusive, just like the full size brush set. Limited edition too. If you haven't seen this case - here's some pics courtesy of SarahLuvsMAC. It is gorgeous, and apparently around the same size as the tour de...
  15. redambition

    my first FOTD - "For Bono"

    Hello everyone! My first FOTD, yay! SO and I went to see Kayne West and U2 last night. It was absolutely amazing. I ended up going for this very simple look. Please excuse the blurry pic, the spotty face and my pre-wax brows... getting those fixed tomorrow. What I used: FACE: MAC Studio Tech...
  16. redambition

    My San Francisco haul

    Well - the SO just got back from his trip to San Fran... and he filled my MAC order for me whilst there! haul consists of: Viva Glam VI Lipstick Cushy White Plushglass Ample Pink Plushglass Bare Canvas Paint Select Sheer pressed powder (backup) Select Sheer loose powder (backup) 150 Brush 224...
  17. redambition

    brown waterproof mascara

    i am new here, so i am hoping to absorb some of your wisdom! i am so cut that MAC don't make splashproof lash in brown. i'm a pale red head and black can sometimes look just a tad too dramatic. anyone know of any good brown waterproof mascaras? cruelty-free brands only please, and the body...