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  1. 72Cosmo

    More MAC Holiday info from MUA

    MAC holiday -- a little more info r/o ( ) I just went to Henri Bendel's MAC counter (NYC) for the Blow l/s (got their last one!), and the MA asked if I wanted to pre-order any of the holiday stuff, since she remembered that I did last year. So we looked over the catalogue again. The good...
  2. 72Cosmo

    Saks MAC Holiday

    On the boards at makeupalley lots of info was just posted on the holiday line at Saks. //admin edit - scroll down for more information.
  3. 72Cosmo

    Any news on holiday palettes?

    Has anyone seen the holiday palettes or any of the holiday line? There was something on the brushes a while back so surely there must be some news on the colors.
  4. 72Cosmo

    Beautiful Iris VP

    Would BI look good with moth brown? I have moth brown and don't own any VP eyeshadows. I am a NW20. Any recommendations for VP's?
  5. 72Cosmo

    Mac 187 brush vs Prescriptives bronzer brush

    Has anyone used the Prescriptives bronzer brush? To me if appears fuller than the 187 and is $32 vs Mac's at $42.
  6. 72Cosmo

    Holiday Palettes and Brush Sets

    I know this is very early to even be thinking about this but do the holiday things come out the end of October or the beginning of Oct? I love the palettes and with MAC coming out with SO many collections I have to decide what I want the most. Sad but true I can't buy everything. Any info from...
  7. 72Cosmo

    Does anyone know shelf life of MAC products

    I have seen some older eyeshadows on ebay that I wouldn't mind having that are NIB from 2003. I just don't know if it would be crazy to buy an older eyeshadow. Does anyone have any info on this?
  8. 72Cosmo

    MAC retractable lipliners

    Does anyone know the release date of the new lipliners? I really don't like MAC's lip liners. They seem so dry to me. It's one of the few things from MAC that I don't like. How does everyone feel about the lipliners? Is it only me that doesn't like them?