Search results

  1. amy_forster

    MAC Postcards and Mailers

    OMG. Why is it I never get any of these?!? :confused: I live in the UK, have my MAC PPID and never get any of them. I managed to pick up a sundressing one but thats it. Everyone else seems to be getting invites and mailers about the new collections and I don't get anything! Is it because I...
  2. amy_forster

    House of Fraser

    I read in previous posts that HOF in london stocks things like the summerwear quad but I thought this was an asia/us exclusive! Could anyone shed some light on this for me? I'd love it if someone could CP for me once in a while if they do stock exclusives that I can't get anywhere else in the UK!!!
  3. amy_forster

    Flutterfly & SweetieCakes Quads

    Does anyone have any ideas for a look I could do with the flutterfly quad? I really like the sound of it when I swapped for it on MUA but now I'm just not feeling inspired. I keep looking at it and wondering what to do with it but I'm just not feeling it right now. I'm having a bit better luck...
  4. amy_forster

    MAC Fluidline...HELP!

    OMG. I am so pants with this its unreal! I really want to be able to apply it and I just can't! (Sorry for sounding like a drama queen but its true!) I'm using a MAC 266 angle brush and its just not happening! Does anyone have any tips for me to try? Please...