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  1. urbanlilyfairy

    My Hubby would divorce me hauls for Dec/Jan if he only knew ! =P

    Ok long title i know but it's the damn truth ..if he only knew how much I realllllllly spent on makeup ...well umh let me not even think of the consequences lol ... I have been meaning to post my hauls as I have gotten them in ... but IM a slacker by nature here are my December/January...
  2. urbanlilyfairy

    The many many faces of me! FOTD X4

    Heya all...I'm a slacker and always seem to post days after I'm playing catch up ..and here are my looks of this week... well the days I wore makeup heh. These are pretty basic looks other than the day I pulled out the shadesticks lol.. Hope some of you enjoy looking at my feeble...
  3. urbanlilyfairy

    really long post (barley making it through the day)

    Hi...I just need to type .... I apoligize for typos and misused punctuation ...i have had an emotional day, month, year .... this is long ...i don't blame you if you don't read all of it or any ..i just need to type ..sorry in advanced... JAN 25th ... my dad should have been 55. Instead of...
  4. urbanlilyfairy

    Oceano di Serra

    Buongiorno Today I told meself ...self you need to use some colors you don't use I picked out Steamy and this blue cg color that had no name ..and here I am rocking the blues ..which I normally don't ever wear Hope ya'll like it =) hugs what I used: Face: Laura Gellar spackle...
  5. urbanlilyfairy

    Want to try makeup for ever foundation

    Hiyas, I would like to try makeup for ever foundation. I'm Nc 25 in MAC which is a tad bit too dark for me right now in the winter but with blending I make it work lol. I also have the mineralize satinfinish in MAC and I want something diffrent .. more on the less glowy side. My skin is...
  6. urbanlilyfairy

    2 looks 1 post woo hoo =P

    don't mind the bunny he just likes to lurk the forums. ok so here are two of my most recent FOTD's .. the first one is today ..the other from a few days ago. My look today was inspired by my avatar .. over their on left side of the screen under my username ..yep that one .. aint it pretty ...
  7. urbanlilyfairy

    Red lips w/ eyes other than classic pin up ?

    Heya ..just wondering what other eye combos that is wearable with red lippies. The only eye look I do with red lips is the classic pin up barley there shadow and winged liner. Just wondering what other combos people have done or tried out. I don't mind the classic look ..its classic lol...
  8. urbanlilyfairy

    Sweet like Appley pie =)

    Hello all, Today I actually wore red on my lips and didn't wipe it off lol ..I also messed around with lighting and my hair while I was taking pics.. I'm not sure if im completely satisfied with the look ...I hadn't planned on it being my FOTD .. so i didn't put on primer ...or pluck my stray...
  9. urbanlilyfairy

    Ridiculously awesome and hilarious palette!!!

    I was browsing you tube ...and came across the most creative and funny eye pallete ever. This girl is hilarious ..i am totally going to do this too lols... as ghetto as it is ..I think its f Ing awesome! check it out YouTube - My ghetto eyeshadow palette she had me seriously loling when...
  10. urbanlilyfairy

    Matte 2 face charts

    Does anyone have a Matte 2 face chart specifically one that uses poison pen ... I really want to get this shadow ...but i want some inspiration hehe if anyone has a face chart saved that can post it or email ..i would be most happy ! thanks
  11. urbanlilyfairy

    Halp Meh findz Peaches lippies pwease

    I am Nc 25 and I love peach lippies... the only lip colors I have from mac that are in the peach family ...actually they are coral really lol ..i have lychee luxe l/g and rambling l/s. I am looking for a soft peach lip color ...not nude ...not pink ..i wants peach ... preferably a milky peach...
  12. urbanlilyfairy

    Me as a Fafinette ! =P

    So today was a boring and slow Sunday ... as I was debating on eating more hershey's kisses and watching another movie ...I decided to put the kisses down much as that pained me lols ... and came over to specktra glanced at all the pretty Fafi pics that have newley been posted ..and said...
  13. urbanlilyfairy

    omg so angry and sad

    omg omg omg omg so furious and sad and feel stupid all at once...the other day when i was making a new brush stand with some little floral crystals and a basically a vase ..i started putting my brushes in there and the crystals started overflowing being lazy ..i took the cup over my...
  14. urbanlilyfairy

    My(Vanity/boudiour/girl room) In progress (pic Heavy)

    Ok this is lots of text ..sorry lol ... OK so when I lived in the states on military base housing ..our master bedroom had two huge closets and one of them had lots of built in storage and a desk like area that was the coolest it was so versatile neighboor who had the same kind of house...
  15. urbanlilyfairy

    Happy Xmas Eve FOTD =P

    Bona Nattale too all ! Here is me FOTD for Christmas Eve ... I took inspiration from one of Snowkei's holiday looks. Hope you all have a Merry Merry Christmas. What I used: Face Laura Gellar spackle MAC Mineralize SatinFinish in NC25 MAC BLotPowder in Med Dark Nars Deepthroat Blush Eyes...
  16. urbanlilyfairy

    FOTD 12/17 Sugar Plum shimmer =P

    SO this is sugar plumy fairy princess shimmery right ? (well for me it is lol) me FOTD for 12/17 but here in Italy it is already 12/18 but in the states still yesterday i swear I'll never get used to the time diffrence. ANyway i was playing around with some pastels that i normally don't...
  17. urbanlilyfairy

    I iz on ur srcn bein cute n shiz =P Pic Heavy)

    Boungiorno , Here is ma FOTD ... I haven't posted in like really really long time ..and before that I think I may have only posted like 2 or 3 times ..just cuz I be shy like thats. But today I be in a good mood so here goes .... Please excuse ma LOL speech I know some of you hate it lol ..but...
  18. urbanlilyfairy

    If u like to LOL when bored ...

    I am a homemaker ..and some times during the day when everything is clean makeup is done ..... there are no new posts on Specktra to read lol ..i go here Lolcats ‘n’ Funny Pictures - I Can Has Cheezburger? and I laugh and i laugh and I laugh ...hope u enjoy it too lol..
  19. urbanlilyfairy

    MAC store in Venice

    I just moved to Italy and live about an hour away from Venice and im heading to Venezia this weekend ..I notcied that the nearest mac store is in Venice... so has anyone been to the Venice store ? IF you have been there u know how to get there from the train station ? well maybe I can...
  20. urbanlilyfairy

    Moving my Makeup Overseas

    For anyone who has traveled recently ... Im heading from New Orleans (MSY) To Atlanta ... to Baltimore (BWI) and finally to Italy wont be landing in a intl airport would be landing on a militay base once in Italy. ANyone travel recently with cosmetics in those airports ? or just travel recently...