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  1. stefania905

    "...things aren't always what they seem..."

    I met a guy a few weeks ago, he lives right by me but goes away for school. He was here to see his parents. Anyways, at first i didnt like him b/c he came on too strong. Trying to impress me, triied too hard....ect. So naturally I was turned off. He was trying too hard but it made him seem...
  2. stefania905

    Mini Hauls here & there

    Benefit Badgal Blue Benefit Boing Concealer Glissade (in the mail on Monday)
  3. stefania905

    Badgal Blue

    I bought it today.. the reason im posting here is I am filipina anyways, had anyone else tried it? i dont really know if it makes my dark brown eyes..."more golden"...still think its cool tho
  4. stefania905

    ok my face is actually showing in this one lol

    Eyes UDPP Shroom e/s Espresso e/s Black tied e/s Too Faced Lash Injection Technakohl Graoh Black Face Smashbox Photo Finish Primer MUFE airlift concealer Margin blush Lips Chapstick UD Cherry lip gunk
  5. stefania905

    my 1st EOTD...LOTD whatever hehe

    Eyes: UDPP Shroom e/s Espresso e/s UD Smog e/s Satin Taupe e/s Black Tied e/s Fairylite Pigment Too Faced Lash Injection Mascara Face Smashbox Photo Finish Primer Make up Forever Uplift Concealer Select SPF Blot Power Glissade MSF Clinique Blush- Rich Tawny Lips Stroke of Lust l/s Clear...
  6. stefania905

    .39 cents to 41 cents stamps

    I just heard of the price hike. Do i have to go out & buy .2 cent stamps to go with my .39 cents ones orfor now....til i get the "forever" stamps, can i just put two . 39 cent stamps together???
  7. stefania905

    Yesterday's Cinco de Mayo party

    ok i went to a party last night....blah blah blah it was was mostly guys, with a girl or two. It wasn't that big. I sprent most of my time with 4 girls & talking to the guys there. Sober, I get a long mostly with guys anyway. I'm not your "whore" drunk either... But after the...
  8. stefania905

    Dollymix dupe??

    Are there any dupes for Dollymix Blush?? I reallly want this(its on my wish list)....but my counter is always sold out
  9. stefania905

    *mail haul* from the past few days

    *Empty Quad *Trial Size Smashbox Photo Finish Primer *Fairylite Pigment sample *White Gold Pigment Sample *Stroke of Lust lipstick *Deckchair pigment sample THANKS TO MICHIE, EOWYN797 & LOVINYA02!!!
  10. stefania905

    Mini Sephora Haul

    mini haul....sephora just opened 15 mins away from me (taken on NY Yankees notebook) Bliss Labs FatgirlSlim (anyone have reviews on this before i try?) Too Faced Lash Injection- LOVE THIS STUFf Make Up For Ever Lift Concealer in #3
  11. stefania905

    Inspirational Life Quotes

    I am planning on posting some inspiration life quotes around my room. i don't know if this seems cheesy or what not but i need to do something & i need to try.... last year i had an inncident happen to me. almost 6 months ago, but i suffer from social anxiety now. i know everyone has their...
  12. stefania905

    WnW Mega Flavors Gourmet Lip Gloss

    do they still make these? the ones in the rectangular pots i have the chocolate one & i loveeeee it. smells so goood what are everyone elses fave flavors?
  13. stefania905

    Recent Haul :)

    M A C Mineralize Skinfinish Natural- Medium Dark Forgery Eyeshadow(Lustre) Eyelash Curler Purple Haze Eyeshadow (Matte) Shroom Eyeshadow (Satin) Espresso Eyeshadow (Matte) Does anyone collect empty MAC boxes? I cant bring myself to throw them away & i havea few... if anyone wants them, let...
  14. stefania905

    Long Island ?
