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  1. Hilly

    Such crap....

  2. Hilly

    Irridescent Pressed Powder help

    Hiyaaa, I bought this recently and don't know where to put it. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  3. Hilly

    the "i went to Starbucks" look

    Ya pretty much it's been a really lazy day! But I do my makeup everyday lol. eyes: too faced first base surreal es big t es nars- nomad engraved el plushlash teddy el lips: vivacious clinique gwp pink lippie I'm growing my left eyebrow out (taking biotin vitamins and using castor oil hehe)...
  4. Hilly

    stereo rose and others ebay haul!

    I got all this for $50 shipped! - Satin Taupe Shadow - Steep Veluxe Shadow - Prismique Lustre Shadow - Plum Dressing Veluxe Pearl Shadow - Plum Shadow - Patina Frost Shadow - Honesty Lustre Shadow - Brule Satin Shadow - Stereo Rose Mineralize Skin Finish (tested once so...
  5. Hilly

    hoodrat hoodrat hoochie momma

    hey everyone, I just bought this stila pallet and am in love! EYES: Stila: moonlight, twighlight, kitten MAC stormwatch blacktrack fl fascinating el some brow stuff lips: indie girl ls gloss from clinique skin: New Vegas (using the E3 method) Select spf nw 20 have a fantabulous Hump...
  6. Hilly

    rockin rockocco

    yo yo yo.. don't really like these pics, but I haven't posted a fotd in like a week or something. ha! Eyes: Two face- first base humid amberlights tilt the brown one in the metallic eyes 07 pallete lustreleaf engraved plushlash Lips: rockocco Man...I look really stupid and dumb here, but...
  7. Hilly

    Bad ebayers are like hemrroids!

    Pains in the ass!!! So I sell on ebay...clothes mostly...I clean out my closet and sell stuff I haven't worn in a while or doesn't fit..or is out of style :yes: It's not my sole source of income..but I work in non-profit, have a MAC addiction, and like expensive things. So I try to...
  8. Hilly

    50 years of images in 3 minutes

    Do we all know Billy Joel's We Didn't Start the Fire? Great history filled song. Well, here is a cool video made with the images.
  9. Hilly

    Down like a clown charlie brown

    Yup. Title has nothing to do with fotd. doh! Eyes: Two faced first base Romantique es Da Bling es Blue Storm es Engraved el plushlash skin: select spf nw20 new vegas medium blot lips: pink aura ls pink glossie Nails: opi Lincoln Park After Dark
  10. Hilly

    Houston get together!

    Last night, Janice and anaaliyahfan03 and I all met up for Sushi at Ra in Houston. It was a great time! Here is a pic!
  11. Hilly

    Who wants to Meet up in HOUSTON tonight?

    Janice and her hubby are coming to Houston tonight and I am going to meet up with them for dinner! Anyone interested? 7:30 at a Sushi place off of Westheimer. PM me for details!!!
  12. Hilly

    Cat got your tongue?

    TGIF woot! EYES: too faced first base gold mode and ruby red pm metallic eyes pallet (the brown one) engraved plushlash FACE: Select spf nw20 new vegas medium blot LIPS: clear lippie with rockocco residue on it lol byee
  13. Hilly

    t'was plummmy like

    Howdy! I must be ovulating because my skin is good! EYES: Rubenesque pp violet pm family silver mes parfait amour es carbon es phloof! es engraved el plushlash mascara face: select spf nw 20 new vegas dollymix blusher lips plum like clear gloss off to the mall to spend monies I dont have...
  14. Hilly

    cuz im broken....

    I sure as hell feel like it! That's what a morning run will do for you EYES: CCB in pearl NARS Nomad Zonk Bleu Phloof Gold Mode Nile Plushlash Engraved Face: select spf nw20 new vegas msf lips: politely pink victoria's secret lippie gloss
  15. Hilly

    My bangs = icky poopoo

    They look so ghetto...I had to retake my FTD pics so I could push them back in a headband. I am so salty! FACE: Select SPF nw 20 New Vegas MSF EYES: CCB in pearl sushi flower romping shroom romantique beauty marked engraved plushlash LIPS Odyssey Victoria's secret beauty rush lipgloss...taste...
  16. Hilly

    San Diego Wild Fires

    My thoughts and prayers are to our Specktralites our in San Diego and areas affected by the wild fires.,2933,303881,00.html
  17. Hilly

    back to rita and her big ole butt

    Anyone remember this 80s or early 90s dance song called "Dangerous on the Dance floor"? har har. I'm feelin flashtrack today fo sho eyes: rubenesque pp flashtrack engaged full flame romantique mystery kohl power plushlash (im lovin this stuff!) lips: mango lip butter from the body shop some...
  18. Hilly

    blah day fotd

    I am blah. Gained weight this week on my diet, have to work early Saturday monring, people are rude as fudge on the phone today, and to top it off- I went to get my hair cut and my bangs look so effed up. I had to pin them back. Please excuse the gigundo forehead. Le Sigh. But I like my...
  19. Hilly

    pallet question

    I got an icky 4 pan pallet and I was wondering if I could b2m that. Sorry if this is posted in the b2m stuff..i didnt see it in there. THANKS!
  20. Hilly

    What do you collect?

    I have always been a collector of many things. What do yall collect? I collect Lucy from Peanuts