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  1. Colorqueen

    HELP!!!Should I get Auto De Femme or not?

    I placed an order for chromeglass and then took Auto De Femme off the list. Now I think that was a mistake. I just was not sure if it would look good on me or not. The photos ALL look so different. If only I had a lipstick that I could compare it to (I have no MAC counters here) then I...
  2. Colorqueen

    Any Catherine Photos up yet?

    I just want to see what these colors are like. They sound kind of boring and some of the new products I am not sure what they are supposed to be. Anyone know where there are photos or reviews yet?
  3. Colorqueen

    New Years Eve Peacock Look- NOT For The Fainthearted

    Well, I decided to laugh in the face of all that went wrong the last couple of months and dress up wild for New Years Eve. I live in a city area where their idea of dressing up is to put on a sparkle T-Shirt with polyester double knit slacks. Expensive occasions are usually dotted with very...
  4. Colorqueen

    My Victorian Christmas Look for Dinner with Johnny Depp

    My DH is always getting stopped for autographs. I mean sometimes it takes like a half hour for him to make it past his adoring fans. We have been stalked, followed all night, blockaded (while demanding autographs), stopped, gawked at while pathways magically open in very crowded shopping...
  5. Colorqueen

    I Became the ICE QUEEN last night....:D

    I was so upset last night because of this horrid storm that was supposed to be hitting today which would foil my plans to go to the first showing of Narnia. I could not sleep, so I decided to become the ICE QUEEN..... A fantasy photo shoot in the middle of the night- why not? My DH got up to...
  6. Colorqueen

    You GOTTA LOVE Orange to like this one...Art Opening FOTD

    Well, this was a last minute *gotta go to an art opening* look that I came up with because I was tired of the usual colors and combos I had done already. So, I chose colors I rarely use and did them up like this. I am not usually a fan of orange, but this time I was pleased with how it turned...
  7. Colorqueen

    Wildly & Crazy to Bizarre, to Normal---My Favorite Looks So Far From 2005

    Well, I decided to compile a post of my favorite looks from this past year. Let's start sedate. I love this basic aquadisiac look with turquoise interference from sweetscents over Frostlite Fluidline. Action Artliner from Lancome. Lips are Fusion from L'Oreal Glam Shine collection Next is...
  8. Colorqueen

    My Dark Side-BETTER PHOTOS (Re-creation 2004 Chanel holiday palette using Fluidline)

    It's my birthday so I can post two FOTD today! I absolutely adore Chanel's holiday eye and lip palettes from last year- 2004. I found them the most useful of all palettes EVER and I was panicking because I was using them up with no hope of replacement. Finally one day I messed around all...
  9. Colorqueen

    The Blonde Bombshell Look That Ended Up in the City Paper!- NOW BETTER PHOTOS

    Hi all, Here is what has been called the blonde bombshell look that I did a few months ago or so for Makeup Alley FOTD. I ended up being featured in the city paper in a very hard to get spot in the Sunday paper (very large circulation) for my paintings. They needed a photo very quickly that...
  10. Colorqueen

    Thanksgiving FOTD Panorama-New Techniques and Looks experiements in COLOR...:D

    Thanks for the help to embed my photos! I just posted this on MUA and thought you might enjoy it here too. WARNING- I love color so if you are offended by color, move on to another thread! Had some fun for a couple of days and experimented with some new techniques. Day 1 has two new...
  11. Colorqueen

    Goldenaire & Lovely Lily pigments anyone seen them yet?

    Just wondered if anyone has seen swatches or reactions to previews of these pigments due out after Christmas yet......
  12. Colorqueen

    HELP! How to post photos in a thread...

    Hi all, What html tags do I have to use to post a photo instead of a link to a photo in a thread? Sometimes it helps to have photos when describing things. Thanks!