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  1. Colorqueen

    Lost My Best Friend FOTD (using Delineate FL in unusual combination)

    Hi All, Well despite the difficulty of having my dearest friend turn benedict arnold on me (for all of you International people outside the US that = traitor) in the most horrible nasty way, I decided to do a FOTD and post it for you all. Some of the photos are kind of blurry, but you will...
  2. Colorqueen

    Dark Victorian Rocker FOTD-not bad for puffy face and eyes....

    Okay, so I was going out to get a little appetizer after our horrible weekend with no water, toilet, etc, and good friend turning on me so to speak, and I suddenly got tired of puffy red watery eyes and looking like a rat, so I got dressed up-with new hair that I have not had on for a long long...
  3. Colorqueen

    AVANT GOLD vs HYPER REAL PRESSED POWDER what's the difference?

    Hiyall, Since I NEVER get to see MAC at all before I order it, I wondered if anyone here could compare Avant Gold with Hyper Real Pressed Powder. It sounds like HRPP would be more glowy and pretty, but it might also be really shiny and not that nice. However, is Avant Gold really matte, or is...
  4. Colorqueen

    HELP!!! Non-US Pigments Sold in Toronto?

    Okay, this is driving me up the wall. I have a makeup artist friend who occasionally goes to Toronto and comes back telling me about MAC pigments that he sees up there that are sold in Canada that they do not sell in the US. I have tried a few times to find out what the heck he is talking...
  5. Colorqueen

    Anyone try the 184 brush from Avante Gold yet?

    I am wondering if the 184 brush is a good one to add to my case- 187 is such a fabulous brush, I wondered if 184 is just as valuable. Anyone out there have any input on it? I want to know exactly what to do with it and if is it unique enough to make sure to have. I live nowhere near a MAC...
  6. Colorqueen

    HELP!!! What Do I Charge for Kiosk as a Freelancer?

    I have someone who wants me to work at a makeup kiosk for Iman as freelance Makeup artist. I am not sure what to ask for an hour- it takes me $10 round trip in gas just to get there, and I want to make it worth my time, yet our area is not as high priced as the cities usually are. I usually...
  7. Colorqueen

    Comparison Swatches: Parrot, HIP Showy, Waternymph, Aquadisiac, HIP Showy

    I saw a request for PArrot compared to some other MAC colors, so I thought I would post this for anyone who is interested. There are a few other colors for comparison's sake as well.
  8. Colorqueen

    KABOOOM!-- Belated 4th of July FOTD w/ Delineate, Penned, Frostlite- FINALLY!

    Well, better late than never- I wish I had these in time for the 4th of July, but I decided to mess with them anyway. I just got home from a hard days work and found my Nordies anniversary FL from MAC at the door- Delineate and Penned. So, I plopped some hair on my head, quickly messed around...
  9. Colorqueen

    45 Assorted FOTDs On The Head Of A Pin :D

    I was just updating my slideshow for another site that asks for a photo of yourself, but since I look different every day, I started the tradition of a slideshow instead of photo. I have been writing on this other site for about 6 years now, so I update the slideshow from time to time with...
  10. Colorqueen

    My FIRE AND ICE FOTD- (not sure I like Azreal blue yet-but LOVE Blue Brown)

    Okay, so here is my fire and ice FOTD. I am not sure I like Azreal Blue- it does not seem to stay on well like all of the other pigments. Plus it looks like the first blue eyeshadow that I got in 7th grade from Cover Girl. Anyway, here is the breakdown of my makeup. Also, for some reason...
  11. Colorqueen

    I Don't Want To Go To Mum's House FOTD

    Well it was hard to do, I did not want to go to my mums house with this hair because I knew that she did not like it, but I finally did it. Here is what I posted on MUA about it- since I am lazy and don't want to rephrase the whole thing- I have left it as is so that is why it sounds a bit odd...
  12. Colorqueen

    My Special FOTD Dedicated to the Wonderful Members of MUA&Specktra-This One's For YOU

    Okay, you guys, I did this just for you and for MUA. After many requests to do a natural neutral FOTD, I have given up my title as Colorqueen to do this FOTD especially FOR YOU! (after which time I will resume my title as Colorqueen once again- grin) I took DD out to a little grill and the...
  13. Colorqueen

    My Response to MUA FOTD Celebrity Challenge-I think I captured it!

    Here is what I posted for today's FOTD theme for MUA which is celebrity looks. First I have some photos of different poses of today's celebrity to make sure that I got all angles in my makeover. Then is my composite, complete with list of makeup used. (the short one) (the one on the...
  14. Colorqueen

    My New Red Hair - And You May NEVER See Colorqueen This Natural Again...:D

    This is from a post on MUA- I figured I would bring it over here too so you could all see my new hair. I did a natural look, which I do not do for online too often, as it is my usual look. But, I just HAD to try out my new hair... Here is what I posted yesterday evening on MUA...
  15. Colorqueen

    I am Queen of Atlantis- Felt Like Being Extreme & Dramatic Today

    I thought you all might enjoy this here- there was an Atlantis theme/challenge today at Makeup Alley and I was able to get creative and dramatic which is not usually the case. I was inspired to do a queen of atlantis look- it is WILD. Here is what I posted on MUA...
  16. Colorqueen

    My Husband Thinks I Look Hot Aqua Look

    Wore this out to dinner in very hot weather last night(hence the red face). It is mostly just Fluidline, ColourDose from Lancome and a tiny bit of shadow. (BTW, DH came in as I was posting this saying how hot I looked and then gets up closer and says, OMG! Is that from LAST NIGHT? Why does...
  17. Colorqueen

    Purple & Pink Pigment Swatches- Some Questions

    I just took this photo today of some of MAC purple and pink pigments that I have (along with a couple of other brands). I wondered, does anyone else have any photos of any other pigments- like purple matte, cool pink, etc, that are not on here from MAC? Anyone have any comments or input on...
  18. Colorqueen

    MAC vs SWEETSCENTS vs STAGELIGHT Photo comparisons of Purples and pinks

    I recently took a photo of MAC pigments vs some other pigments because of all of the interest in finding more reasonably priced pigments with the great quality of MAC. So for whatever it is worth- here is my photo. //edit: pic size exceeds limits
  19. Colorqueen

    I Got Some New Hair - WHEE! From Wild & Crazy to California Girl

    I got some new hair! Just had to share with you all!
  20. Colorqueen

    Fun With Sidney Bristow....(Alias)

    I got some new hair and wanted to have some fun, so I decided to mess around with the Sidney Bristow idea- although I only did a quick job of the makeup. The makeup is not neat and tidy, but I still had fun experimenting with the look. Unfortunately, the lighting was horrible and the camera...