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  1. missmaymay

    my small mac collection.<3

    i started getting into MAC as of june 08 . so this is my little collection so far. i obviously, have nothing compared to other people's mac collection posts (every single wonderful post, but it's a start i love looking at everyone else's post. so here's mine. i really enjoy buying MAC & hope to...
  2. missmaymay

    help me please?

    does anyone know where you can get those metal organizer things that she has in her drawers? thanks !
  3. missmaymay

    if you have a MAC 116 brush...

    is the mac logo on yours printed on like all mac brushes?
  4. missmaymay

    how long can MAC MSF's last?

    does anyone know?
  5. missmaymay

    does this 224 brush look real?

    please look! just wondering ! thanks!
  6. missmaymay

    does this mac 224 brush look real? :/

    i was just wondering about it...thanks!