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ღ♥ღ !Purple green Smokey eyes! ღ♥ღ


Well-known member
Re: ღ♥ღ Purple Smokey eyes - My first tutorial:)

WOW Beyond Gorgeous! and you made it so easy! Thanks!


Well-known member
Re: ღ♥ღ Purple Smokey eyes - My first tutorial:)

Wow really beautiful, Stars N Rockets looks amazing over the black base!


Well-known member
Re: ღ♥ღ Purple Smokey eyes - My first tutorial:)

Wow, what a creative, glamorous & fun look <3
Well done with your first tutorial, it's easy to understand and the photos look amazing. I'm too scared to post any pictures of myself here... it takes guts, so WELL DONE (and thanks for sharing!) <3


Well-known member
Re: ღ♥ღ Purple Smokey eyes - My first tutorial:)

Beautiful! Can't wait to see more tuts from you.
Re: ღ♥ღ Purple Smokey eyes - My first tutorial:)

your eyes are stunning, i have never seen your face but i am sure you are beautiful!!!!!


Well-known member
Re: ღ♥ღ Purple Smokey eyes - My first tutorial:)

This is absolutely gorgeous. I'm really fair, I wonder if it would work on me. I'll just have to try it!


Well-known member
Re: ღ♥ღ Purple Smokey eyes - My first tutorial:)

This is stunningly gorgeous! And you did a fab job breaking it down into steps!!! Thanks for posting! :)


Well-known member
Re: ღ♥ღ Purple Smokey eyes - My first tutorial:)

That is gorgeous! Wish I had a crease to work with.


Well-known member
Re: ღ♥ღ Purple Smokey eyes - My first tutorial:)

Thank you for showing me what the heck to do with stars n rockets!!! Its awesome over black!!!!


Well-known member
Re: ღ♥ღ Purple Smokey eyes - My first tutorial:)

This is insanely pretty. Now I must go get Stars and Rockets.


Well-known member
Re: ღ♥ღ Purple Smokey eyes - My first tutorial:)

Really amazing! look forward to more

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