10 Books


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Existentialism. I was a Philosophy major in college and I just loved all the books I've read about it.

Another would be Greek Mythology.


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Metaphysics in general.

... no wait, I'll take some kind of encyclopedia and then apply for who wants to be a millionaire.


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i would choose cookbooks becuz i am interested in a variety of different foods and ways to make them.


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I would say Astronomy. I have always been fasinated by space and the stars and I think it would be cool to know more about it.


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Philosophy and comparative religion. These are lifelong interests for me and I find ideas endlessly fascinating! If I could opt for another topic, it'd have to be history and art.


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Star Wars. LOL I love the trilogy and I think I've read every single spin-off novel on the fighter pilots, Luke Skywalker and Han Solo. I could probably draw the Star Wars universe if I wanted. And if given a choice of books, I'd almost always pick this. Also: everything I know about Physics, I learned from Star Wars.


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Medical texts regarding human health. Not only am I making a career out of medicine (taking classes with the intent on obtaining a Master's degree in Nursing Science so I can be a Nurse Practitioner) but it's a passion of mine. My goal is to try and help heal the human race, even if it's just one person at a time.


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I'd go for History, 1500-1900. There are so many things that I still don't know about these times and the people.


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Originally Posted by *Stargazer*
Me too. Are you familiar with the Smart Bitches?

Can I have 5 and 5, instead of 10 on one subject? I'd like to split mine between Egyptian history and art history.

Hi, no im not familiar with that..what is it? I read a lot of Johanna Lindsay's books though!