11 Funny Place Names


Well-known member
Sexmoan...? Hahaha. Wow.

My hometown is called Whakatane (note; tane in Maori effectively means 'male', making it doubly roflmao inducing), I thought that was the worst. Maybe it's just the Aussies who make fun of it >.>


Well-known member
nice one.


Well-known member
There was one error in the piece; the Fertile woman who died in Climax (MN) was actually from Fertile, MN, not Fertile, IA. We live close to Fertile, MN, and every time we pass through town I remember that headline and my DH wonders why I'm snickering.

BTW, my son's football team plays Climax---when my son's team trounced them, I quipped to my husband that the game was anti-climatic. <groan>


Well-known member
They missed Head-Smashed-In-Buffalo-Jump, Alberta, Canada.

I've actually been there. Native Americans/First Nations tribes used to hunt buffalo by stampeding them over a cliff. Legend has it that some not so bright person was waiting at the bottom of the cliff and got flattened.

I've also been to Intercourse, PA. Most of the inhabitants are Amish; the farmer's market there is really good.