1st time makeup job


New member
Hi all!
So I somehow stumbled onto these boards while googling something makeup related. I've been looking for a thread like this (working at cosmetic counters). I'm 18 and have wanted to work in the makeup "world" since I was 16. I am currently at a job on campus that I don't like and thought now would be a good time to apply for a job that I would love. I am interested working as a clinique consultant at the bon-ton or boscov's by my house, or at the ulta by my house. I was reading some threads about people's interviews and I'm getting nervous. I don't have any retail experience. My past work experience has included being a waitress at Friendly's, working for Quiznos, and my current job on campus which is working as a computer help desk consultant. All of these jobs I've worked with and had to deal with "bad customers" but I'm worried since they are looking for prior retail experience they might not even want to interview me. Also, I am not a great makeup artist (like some of you ladies are, and gorgeous! holy moly). I mean I love trying out makeup and playing around with it on myself and my friends. So I was wondering if you all had any advice for me. Should I go for the job as at clinique (which is my favorite line of cosmetics) or work at ulta first. Anyone who's worked at either your advice would be so appreciated. Thanks a bunch!

- Emily


Well-known member
it kind of depends on your area. around here there is an abundence of talented makeup artists who have all the experience in the world but there aren't even spots open for them... but maybe if you started at ulta or someplace where it's more of a sales job than an actual application job it'd be easier to get a job. i would try both, but i wouldn't be surprised if you heard from ulta before clinique. the other thing you have to remember about clinique is they are makeup and skincare- so you would have to know a thing or two about skincare as well. good luck!.


Well-known member
I would try both. Alot of times they are in need of help and do not care what your backround is. You get on the job training... and you have something they are looking for... intrest in the job and desire to learn all you can! Go for it, don't give up and remember that with this economy, it might take you a while to get in the door.


New member
Thanks! I'm going to apply to both. I think I'm going to go the week after Christmas since I don't want to brave the malls this week. Keep your fingers crossed for me.


Well-known member
i know with clinique the look they have is very polished, their SA's with hair past their shoulders (or is it chins..) have to have their hair up... so maybe keep that in mind when ya go in =).


Well-known member
I applied at Ulta in York, PA (back when I lived around there last year) and I have no retail experience either (just Chili's and The Macaroni Grill-hostess jobs mostly) and I got an interview at Ulta. I didn't get the job though because they were only going to pay $7.15 and I was used to making $9 at my other jobs and I had a time schedule that I had to have enough money by a certain month so I could get out of that town. I didn't like it at all.


Well-known member
with the clinique job, im sure they dont mind if you havent got any makeup experience. if you have a great customer relationship, and also a passion for the brand (which you obviously do!), i say go for it!


New member
I use to work for Clinique, but work for Lancome now.I didnt have any retail experiance when I applied either I had only worked in a pub and subway before that. When you go to hand in your resume just make sure you look put together and have your hair and makeup done. I work at the counters at Sears and the interview with the managers there I found was easy. But once you get through that interview Clinique puts you through a Talent Plus phone interview; which basically you just have to answer a bunch of questions and rate them 1-10 on what you feel is important. Hope this helps a bit. As we ll once you get hired Clinique sends you to a 3 day school and they teach you the basics of all the products as well as teach you to do makeovers.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ashley8119
I applied at Ulta in York, PA (back when I lived around there last year) and I have no retail experience either (just Chili's and The Macaroni Grill-hostess jobs mostly) and I got an interview at Ulta. I didn't get the job though because they were only going to pay $7.15 and I was used to making $9 at my other jobs and I had a time schedule that I had to have enough money by a certain month so I could get out of that town. I didn't like it at all.

Same with me. I had zero retail experience, the only experience I had ever was doing some office work and I still got the job! Starting positions pay pretty little though, but Im 18 so I didnt care lol. I thought it was a fun job at first but unfortunately some of the managers totally ruined my experience so I refuse to go back to Ulta.


New member
Originally Posted by aimerbijoux
Same with me. I had zero retail experience, the only experience I had ever was doing some office work and I still got the job! Starting positions pay pretty little though, but Im 18 so I didnt care lol. I thought it was a fun job at first but unfortunately some of the managers totally ruined my experience so I refuse to go back to Ulta.

Thanks for the advice.
It's good to see that other people got hired without any prior retail experience. I'm going to try and go in confidently and try not to dwell on that and focus on how much I would love to work with makeup. Hopefully that will show through. Thanks to everyone else who gave me advice!

And I love that Edward Cullen quote. I'm a big Twilight fan.


Well-known member
I applied at Ulta and Sephora at the same time and only had a little retail experience; only worked at Sally Beauty Supply and a restaurant ( Outback Steakhouse, which includes upselling. ) I applied for anything at Sephora ( just to get my foot in the door ) and the high end part of Ulta. I just wore a black shirt and jeans at both, I got an instant interview at Sephora and since Ulta required you to fill out a application online at Ulta I also included a resume. I was also asked to come to interview at Ulta the next day. I was offered the job at Ulta right away, but told they would have to approve the amount I was asking for. The same day I got a call from Ulta offering a dollar less an hour than I was asking for so I held off for a couple days. I was offered more at Sephora so I took that job.
I was practically being begged to work at Ulta, but since Sephora offered more and they are more recognized I took the job at Sephora for a part time seasonal job. I'm really hoping that since I show up at work early every day and work like the rent is due tomorrow that they'll keep me on as a full time employee after the holidays. That means to keep busy even if there is no work to be done; checking the stocks on the products, helping clients when I'm not even on clock to do so, just always keeping busy somehow, just talking to the clients about the knowledge I DO have on the products so that maybe they'll realize that and keep me on as a full time employee after the holidays. I just really hope they see that I always go above and beyond the call of duty that they'll realize that I am the kind of person that they want working for them. I just basically show them that I have a sincere passion for the world of make up and skin care so that they'll give me a full time position after the holidays. I even sometimes end up staying after my shift had ended, not because I want to prove my worth, but sometimes I get so stuck on auto pilot that I forget to go home when my shift is done. I don't know if that's a good thing or not since I'm still just a temp, but I mentioned to my store director that if they don't tell me to go home that I might end up staying all night if they don't TELL me to leave. haha.

I hope that any of this can help you, but seeing as how it's past the typical holiday season it's hard to say that they'll even have any positions open. I really hope that for your sake that they will.
Good luck!!!


Active member
Originally Posted by TwiggyPop
I applied at Ulta and Sephora at the same time and only had a little retail experience; only worked at Sally Beauty Supply and a restaurant ( Outback Steakhouse, which includes upselling. ) I applied for anything at Sephora ( just to get my foot in the door ) and the high end part of Ulta. I just wore a black shirt and jeans at both, I got an instant interview at Sephora and since Ulta required you to fill out a application online at Ulta I also included a resume. I was also asked to come to interview at Ulta the next day. I was offered the job at Ulta right away, but told they would have to approve the amount I was asking for. The same day I got a call from Ulta offering a dollar less an hour than I was asking for so I held off for a couple days. I was offered more at Sephora so I took that job.
I was practically being begged to work at Ulta, but since Sephora offered more and they are more recognized I took the job at Sephora for a part time seasonal job. I'm really hoping that since I show up at work early every day and work like the rent is due tomorrow that they'll keep me on as a full time employee after the holidays. That means to keep busy even if there is no work to be done; checking the stocks on the products, helping clients when I'm not even on clock to do so, just always keeping busy somehow, just talking to the clients about the knowledge I DO have on the products so that maybe they'll realize that and keep me on as a full time employee after the holidays. I just really hope they see that I always go above and beyond the call of duty that they'll realize that I am the kind of person that they want working for them. I just basically show them that I have a sincere passion for the world of make up and skin care so that they'll give me a full time position after the holidays. I even sometimes end up staying after my shift had ended, not because I want to prove my worth, but sometimes I get so stuck on auto pilot that I forget to go home when my shift is done. I don't know if that's a good thing or not since I'm still just a temp, but I mentioned to my store director that if they don't tell me to go home that I might end up staying all night if they don't TELL me to leave. haha.

I hope that any of this can help you, but seeing as how it's past the typical holiday season it's hard to say that they'll even have any positions open. I really hope that for your sake that they will.
Good luck!!!

WOW! i love that you're optimistic at work and very dedicated to your job responsibilites. this is very motivating and inspirational!

your advices are great, TwiggyPop! Thanks!


Well-known member
Wow, I didn't realize how many times I repeated myself. If I would've said "keep me on as a full time employee after the holidays" one more time I think I should be put in a strait jacket. haha. I guess I was tired when I wrote that!


New member
good luck!
I hope you become a full time staff member.
how do you like working for a makeup store though?
the only reason I'm not applying to sephora is because the closest one is 45 minutes away.
so ulta or a department store job will have to do. [if I can get one]


Well-known member
Well thank you ladies! I really do try and stay positive, but there are always times when I have to fake the smiles. There are always drawbacks to every job, but in my case I think the good outweighs the bad. I like everyone I work with and I love playing with make up all day and learning new things about different products. I love that sense of accomplishment when I can help someone find what they're looking for and make their day.

Basically I think you just have to have a real passion for make up to be in this job or else you won't like it.