(>'.')> 2 looks! Bold lip & purple/pink <('.'<)


Well-known member
I love them both-- the red lip on you makes you look like a hot classic pinup girl! I think you look great in purple, but if you really don't like it, you can pass that Mystical Mist my way, OK?


Well-known member
I actually like purple on you... if anything I think you should try applying it darker/using a darker purple. a smoky purple eye would look so good on you!!


girrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl, I can't BELIEVE you didn't see me that day you came to my counter! dayam!

Ok so first of all, you + red lipstick= HOT. I must say that the liner COULD be a little straighter, but it looks like you did like with either liquid or cream, which in either case, takes a SERIOUSLY steady hand to get it P-E-R-F-E-C-T. The second look is gorge, you know your blending is hot. However the lips look a little bit undefined..did you not use a liner? It's also taking away from the purple... (Mystical Mist is AMAZING. I just got it not long ago and am in absolute love) and I know that this is a bright color but doesn't look so bright compared to the pink lips! If you had used like a seriously dark plum lipstick or something, I think it would have brought out the purple AND your eye color a bit more!


Well-known member
So many different looks on One BEAUTIFUL girl......I would keep pursuing purples......I have not seen anything yet that did not look just great on you.


Well-known member
I love,love,love! The first look.I would be soooooo greatful if you could post a tutorial of that look.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Booyahkasha
girrrrrrrrrrrrrrrl, I can't BELIEVE you didn't see me that day you came to my counter! dayam!

Ok so first of all, you + red lipstick= HOT. I must say that the liner COULD be a little straighter, but it looks like you did like with either liquid or cream, which in either case, takes a SERIOUSLY steady hand to get it P-E-R-F-E-C-T. The second look is gorge, you know your blending is hot. However the lips look a little bit undefined..did you not use a liner? It's also taking away from the purple... (Mystical Mist is AMAZING. I just got it not long ago and am in absolute love) and I know that this is a bright color but doesn't look so bright compared to the pink lips! If you had used like a seriously dark plum lipstick or something, I think it would have brought out the purple AND your eye color a bit more!

I agree my lining with the Fluidliner isn't perfect yet. I think I don't have a very good brush for it, the one I have is almost too thin so it goes on shaky instead of smooth. I need to buy something better...what brush do you use for Fluidliner so it goes on really smooth?

Also, I dont really use lipliner, I don't have any. I'd have to buy one for every shade of lip gloss/stick I have and since I don' use it that much, I think it would be a waste of money. The pink lips weren't my fav anyway, I just kind of slapped shit on haha.

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