21 weeks preggo...missing adult beverages! lol


Well-known member
Please don't judge, I'm not an alcoholic by any means haha. but when you're told you CANT have something, it almost makes you want it more...i just want a giant margarita on the rocks!!

i will have to wait....


Well-known member
Yay 21 weeks! I hit 21 today too.
I'm completely with you Lauren, I very rarely drink wine but since becoming pregnant I crave white wine all the time - and an energy drink here called 'V'! Since last week, baby Noel has also been making me lust over beer which I can't stand at all when not prego!
I'm planning to breastfeed so won't be fulfilling those wine or energy drink cravings any time soon!


Well-known member
I was the same way, I NEVER drink and I always wanted a fruity margarita with sugar, go figure! I'm still breastfeeding so I haven't done it yet!


Well-known member
a little proven fact: If you drink while breastfeeding (well not literally at the same exact time), once the alcohol is out of your blood system, it's also out of your milk...so the whole "pump and dump" theory was useless, you don't even need to do that! I drank while breastfeeding, not often, but I planned it out like i'd pump a bottle or two beforehand to give myself a few hours to get it out of my system


I am 20 weeks pregnant and I know exactly what you mean. I was never a big drinker either but before I got pregnant I found the most wonderful wine and somedays I would really really like an Amaretto Sour. I have to agree that the fact that we can't have it now makes you want it more. Speaking of which....I could really go for some sushi right now :)


Well-known member
I'm 14 weeks and I've been craving some red wine and a martini for the past week. Thing is, I don't have any other cravings.


Well-known member
Haha, that's how I was too when I was pregnant with my daughter. Now I'm breastfeeding and I know if I drink the alcohol will be out of my system eventually but I'm too paranoid to even try. So It's been over a year now since I've last had a drink.

Amber Dawn

Well-known member
Hah, my sister got pregnant, had her baby and was breastfeeding... then got pregnant, had her baby and was breastfeeding.. and apparently her friends are like "Okay, are you going to wait like a week so we can go out and have drinks??? Cause it's been like two years." lol!


Well-known member
I think it's definitely the "want it cuz I cant have it" attitude. I'm not much of a drinker to begin with, but now since I've been pregnant it seems like such a tease when we go out to eat or to a bar with friends and I can't have anything. Luckily for me, I gave up soda in middle school as a choice and so I've decided to just reward myself with an occasional root beer during pregnancy. =)

The biggest bummer is not being able to drink with my husband on his 21st birthday. (Yeah I'm older haha)


I didn't miss alcohol or cigarettes when I was pregnant but I do miss drinking now when I'm on pills I really dont' want to mix with alcohol and my friend's birthday is in bit over a week.


22 weeks and 3 days now and i don't miss alcohol ONE bit :) i was never much of a drinker (or smoker for that matter), so i'm completely fine. the only thing i find annoying, is that you gotta watch your caffeine... so coffees and quite a couple different sodas are a no-no for me now