227 Large fluff brush


Well-known member
Re: Mac #227

Originally Posted by Perple1
I have been lemming this brush for awhile. I went by to 'visit' it 2 days ago at Sax. If you have a Sax 5th, they def sell it. You can place an order for it too, I believe...HTH!

BTW ~ What will you be using your 227 for? I know I don't NEED it, but i WANT it sooooo badly...

i have Saks where I live. i want to use the 227 to apply shadow to my lid and also because i want it. i want to have all the full size MAC brushes. well, maybe not all of them. but definitely the brushes use to apply eyeshadows.


Well-known member
Re: Mac #227

I was able to buy this at a MAC counter at Nordstrom, just when I thought I wouldn't find it there.

I love this brush so much! At first I wanted it just because it looked pretty not knowing I will be using it a lot. Now, it's my fave all over lid brush!


Well-known member
Re: Mac #227

this is a must have. I ordered mine online. Never looked for it at counters.. so can't help you there, only help to enable you to get one

Love it for all over quick swipe of the lid for soft color/highlight on those days you are rushed; mine are usually like that lately anyway!
It is really full and dense. the 227 is what I wanted my 252 to be like.


Well-known member
Re: Mac #227

Thanks guys, I've been thinking about this brush for a while now. I like my 252 but I'm glad that you like the 272 better because the 252 is not quite doing what I wanted. I want to use it for a wash of color all over my lid from lashes to brow after I use UDPP. I do this with like Vanilla, Phloof or whatever I'm using that day and then I do my other colors. I think I will love this brush.


Well-known member
227? What do you use it for?

I just bought the 227 brush - silly though because it was a mistake - think i told the MA wrong number.
So anyways - it looks interesting. What do you guys think about this brush? What do you use it for???


Well-known member
Re: 227? What do you use it for?

I use it for applying a full wash of color on my eyes. It is also helpful if you are in a hurry and need to blend quickly, but not precisely. If you want precision, this is not the brush for you. But, I love to use it for slapping a color on my entire lid.

Also, sometimes if the colors I've applied are just too dark and I can't blend them enough, I'll lighten them with a swipe of vanilla piggie using this baby.


Well-known member
Re: 227? What do you use it for?

Thanks! I figured I'd keep it once I could figure out what it was used for. I'm trying this out as I speak. I'm especially loving that it does light/heavy blending. Its cool as a quick fix type brush. Very excited for the mistake
I love all my brushes equally
well maybe not equally but I love them all


Well-known member
Re: 227? What do you use it for?

Great Question! I need to use mine more often, but like rbella said, it's great for a wash of color, or I've heard it used as a brow bone highlighting brush, and some people even use it for concealer, for undereyes and the like. This is one of those brushes that can be used in many different ways!


Well-known member
Re: 227? What do you use it for?

I really like my 227 and not only because it's one of the cutest brushes IMO
I use it to apply an overall e/s to my lid, for browbone highlight and what I use it most is for cheek highlight, it's perfect for that!


Well-known member
Re: 227? What do you use it for?

I use it as a browbone highlight. My eyes are small, so it's perfect for adding color to the browbone and blending my crease/outer V color at the same time. I saw Leesha (xsparkge) using it in her YouTube vids, and I decided I had to have it. I'm so glad I did! I use it everytime I do my makeup.


Well-known member
Re: 227? What do you use it for?

I call it my turbo blending brush. That sucker can blend like nothing else sometimes!! I also do what rbella does with hers.


Active member
I love my 227 brush. i bought it a few weeks ago because it was recommended by makeupby Tiffany. So glad I bought it!!


Well-known member
Re: 227? What do you use it for?

Originally Posted by Heiaken
... what I use it most is for cheek highlight, it's perfect for that!

What a great idea! I never thought of doing that. I use my 227 for brow highlights and uber-blending for eyeshadows (after seeing Leesha (xsparkge) do the same on Youtube).


Well-known member
Omg I got this brush recently and it is so amazing. It is so exquisitely soft and feels luxurious to touch; like a dream on my skin. I've been using it to highlight under my brows mostly as it does the job really quickly and easily. It picks up colour really well, and is perfect for the mineralized shadows! I am so happy to have it in my collection >_<