~*~2nd FOTD~*~Stars N Rockets~*~


Well-known member
i think its very beautiful and nothing like these uglies mentioned. the next time they have something to say about your makeup just say,"to each his own everyone has their own personal style of dress like those dingy azz sweat pants you wear that you should only wear while working out or in your garden surrounded by plants and dirt..." let me go before i get too deep into this cuz they just made me real mad. girl stay blessed and beautiful. no one should walk on pins and needles at a job!!


Active member
This is so gorgeous! They must have been jealous because those colors are stunning on your tan skin!


Well-known member
=.=" the purple looked beautiful on you. (don't ever listen to old women's comments on anything that are related to fashion & makeup ^^)


Well-known member
That doesn't look trashy at all to me! Fun and colorful, yes. Maybe they were afraid some fun might happen, some people seem to think work must equal drudgery. I work in a creative field but I do have to see clients sometimes, so I might or might not be able to get away with something like that, but I'll take my time - right now I'm slowly letting them adjust to me wearing makeup again at all! Then again, the guy who had the job before me (for many years) was apparently very pierced and tattooed and blasted techno music at his desk, so a little colorful makeup probably wouldn't bother them much.


Well-known member
I love the color of this shadow. And how the hell is this trashy?! I work at a library too. I swear I work for the most hideous woman..then I got switched. thank god haha.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by midget
I love the color of this shadow. And how the hell is this trashy?! I work at a library too. I swear I work for the most hideous woman..then I got switched. thank god haha.

Originally Posted by makeba
i think its very beautiful and nothing like these uglies mentioned. the next time they have something to say about your makeup just say,"to each his own everyone has their own personal style of dress like those dingy azz sweat pants you wear that you should only wear while working out or in your garden surrounded by plants and dirt..." let me go before i get too deep into this cuz they just made me real mad. girl stay blessed and beautiful. no one should walk on pins and needles at a job!!

hehe...thanks guys. you totally made my day. Recently I've been working without all these nasties, they all took off for summer vacation. So, it's been super quiet at work.
Now, if I could just get over being sick and finish my thesis I can go back to wearing awesome makeup at work.


Well-known member
well that's the nicest "trashy" look i've ever seen. You should go in with something for them really to talk about.
You look great xx


Well-known member
Awww u look so gorgeous..the for fun pic is my favorite..i can never look that sexy making that face..i just end up looking like a clown lol