2x sweeten up: with fuchsia and violet


Well-known member
thanks ladies!

rubyjinx: I use the sony cybershot, and I take pics from my whole face in the largest rsolution, and then resize them in paint, and copy/paste pieces (in this case just the eye)from it to a second page of paint.

I did buy the hypnose and cils booster, but I'm not really impressed by the cils booster, it's a bit too thick... I adore the hypnose BTW!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by groupie
thanks ladies!

rubyjinx: I use the sony cybershot, and I take pics from my whole face in the largest rsolution, and then resize them in paint, and copy/paste pieces (in this case just the eye)from it to a second page of paint.

That is such a good idea! Thanks! :p