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*** 3D Smokey Eyes the "MissChievous" way***


Well-known member
THANK YOU..THANK YOU..such a beautiful look and wonderful job! you are very talented plus beautiful!! thanks..


Well-known member
wow i love it! i favorite-d it so i can go back for reference whwen i get better at applying eyeshadow haha i'm still a newbie in that area! this is so beautiful though, i love it.


Well-known member
Great tutorial thanks so much for doing it


Well-known member
Wonderful tutorial!! I cannot believe how fiercely green your eyes are you lucky, luck girl! So beautiful. This whole looks so pulled together
Thanks!! &I hope you feel better soon!

Kitty Kitty

Active member

I haven't posted much on this site (don't know why...b/c I LOVE IT!
) but I felt compelled to this time.

I absolutely LOVE your eyes. That was a great tutorial and I'm going to try it out sometime, perhaps when my baby is asleep.

Thank you so much.



Well-known member
I love it! plus your skin is flawless! teach us your skin care regime as well........!!!!!!!!!!! So envious of your skillz