i just wanted to let all mac artists know this. we had a counter meeting today, and we were talking about the $50 purchase on fri-sun and during thurs-sat launch events (all of them). this is a
COMPANY-WIDE policy, however, it may be different at nordstrom and pro stores. i've heard some of ya saying you didn't charge during events, you charged different amounts, no charge for walk-ups (aka makeup-on demand), etc. there was a memo that came across counters/stores at the end of august. we still have the memo on our clipboard at the register.
it states that effective in sept., all appts on fri-sun, including walk-ups, require a $50 purchase. and going forward, all launch events require the same. there was also some other info on there on how to handle this new policy with your customers. so, check it out, see if you got this memo, and if not, try to get it. just thought i'd let ya'll know.