

Well-known member
i can honestly say that i love my boyfriend with all my heart, and that i always will.
i can honestly say that if he ever did any physical harm to me, i'd be gone so fast it would make his head spin.

it's one thing to love someone uncondtionally, it's a totally different (and imho, asanine) thing to stay in an abusive relationship.


Well-known member
You may love him, or be in love with him, but he does not love you.

Love is not throwing objects when you get angry at the other person, instead of controlling yourself. Love is not pulling and shoving someone around instead of talking like adults. Love is not degrading you, especially in front of others. Love is not picking and choosing who your friends are, who you can be around, who you can talk to.

Love is not lying to you, promising not to do it again, and then doing it again anyhow.

That's abuse. That's him being messed up in his head and controlling you with no regard for your feelings, safety, or well being.

Screw walking in the rain to see you. He doesn't care about you, he cares about the high he gets off of dominating you. And he won't give two ***** about you in any way when you're lying in a ditch somewhere, almost gone, or worse yet, in a hole in the backyard or in a freezer in the basement.

Get out. You have your whole life ahead of you, and there are people out there who do love you. There is someone out there who will love you like you've never been loved before, and it will not cause you pain, and it will not involve disrespecting you.

Isn't it worth it to live to experience that?


Well-known member
I totally agree as well with everyone above. Love is not feeling fear or stress or hurt. If he truly loved you, he'd never be doing any of things he's been doing to you, END OF STORY. It sounds like he wants to control you and he's getting away with it b/c you are letting him get away with it. Is there a deeper reason why you don't want to break up with him? Has he threatened you in any way? Regardless, the answer is in your original post. And you know what you need to do but the only person who can change your situation and make things better for yourself is YOU. YOU are the only one who do what needs to be done to get out of the relationship and make yourself happy. What happens one day if he loses control and starts hitting you? Do you really think he's worth sticking around for that? Right now you've just got to start asking yourself the tough questions. You may not like what the answers are but in your heart, you already know what's right. I hope everything turns out ok and please let us know how things are going with you. Big hug!


Well-known member
Same here from me - he isnt going to change or get better he is going to get much much worse. You say you can't leave him because you love him - but what about finding a guy who you love as much, but who also loves you back... And then things will really be amazing.

This guy is a complete jerk and you really do need to back off from him - but I think you might be asking for advice because you are already scared of him. Not all guys are like this - some of them are really lovely. What he is doing is out of order - he wont talk to you about it cos he knows this but likes to do it anyway.

He isnt going to change and you are probably really going to get hurt. Talk to your family members and get help and see what they think -chances are your folks are already worried about you and want to help. Please dont throw your life away on this guy...

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
If you stay with him years from now after all this wasted time with him, you'll wonder why you stayed. He will get worse. He's controlling your life. He may have once loved you, but how he acts toward you should be enough to show that he cares about himself much more and doesn't care about your safety or feelngs. How would you feel if your best friendwas in your shoes? You'd probably tell her to leave, since you can think rationally without feelings for him involved in your decision making.That's what you have to do with him. My ex was abusive and I left after the first time he hurt me and think it was one of the best decisions I ever made. Your life will be so much better without him.


Well-known member
that's not love.
sorry hun, you already know the answer, if you're not willing to leave him, why seek advice?
Again, that's not love.

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