(*^_^*) BRIGHT white (*^_^*)


Closest pic of lipcolor IRL:

Then I had a snack and some of the color rubbed off lol:

btw I live in a dungeon so the flash is absolutely necessary but I look especially zombie in some of these, perhaps I overdid it with the BE buffing lol

Simple pink lipstick:

Experimenting with color - it became a REAL mess but I thought I'd post anyways:

I'm very much an amateur and especially need advice on using paints and also better lighting to apply makeup when living w/o windows

Thanks for looking!


Well-known member
Jeez lady, you are gorgeous! I LOVE your eyecolor, and the colors you chose enhance them even more.

If I could offer a suggestion, I would say to concentrate a bit less of the coppery color below your eyes, as it makes you look a little tired. Focusing the color closer to your lashes would have the same colorful effect, but reduce the appearance of dark undereye circles.


Aww that's so sweet of you, thanks! And I think you're right about the copper, I was wondering why I looked soooo tired, although I do have pretty bad circles, they don't normally look like that!