A foundation that photographs well?

I'm going to an event this weekend and I want to make sure my base makeup will photograph well.

What foundation (I don't really have a budget; doesn't have to be drugstore brand) photographs well on a flash camera? Should I avoid using powder so I don't end up with a white face?

Any recs appreciated


Well-known member
Avoid any foundation with SPF and Titanium Dioxide (sp?) in the ingredients. These always mean white, ashy face in pictures.

If you want a specific foundation, you could try MAC's Studio Tech. I hear that photographs well. As well as Full Coverage, but I think that might be more for photoshoots and the like.


Well-known member
Anything without SPF because titanium dioxide flashes white. Some kinds don't...but don't risk it.
I love Face Atelier, Giorgio Armani LSF, and Kevyn Aucoin Sensual Skin Enhancer.


Well-known member
My two foundation recomdations are going to be either the Nars Balanced foundation, or the new Smashbox High-Def foundation. Both of those are specifically designed for use in photography.

Also when dealing with photography NEVER use foundations, etc with any type of UV protection/sunblock in them. They reflect UV rays to protect your skin.. But those UV rays show up in photos to make you look blue or greenish .


Well-known member
^NARS Balanced has mineral ingredients in it, so it doesn't photograph as well as the oil free. I'm also going to agree with the crowd and say stay away from sunscreen, so that would discount the Smashbox HiDef mentioned above, it has an spf in it (titanium dioxide is an ingredient)...which is kinda stupid of smashbox. You would think if they're so big on being a studio line they'd know better. *shrug*
I think MUFE Face&Body photographs like a dream, it's a personal favorite.

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