+ a mini treat for myself~! {pics}


Well-known member
went on a makeup spree today & got myself a few things:
- Diorshow Mascara {fiiinally! i've been meaning to try this a long time ago}
- Virgin Isle CCB
- Lychee Luxe Lipglass
- #275 Brush
- 15 Pan Pallette


... & i just found out that our MAC prices went up which SUCKS big time! >_<;


Well-known member
oooh great haul!!! yah i noticed that the prices have gone up too!
sux! ooh well enjoy! btw your going to love the 275, it's verstile!


Well-known member
thank you ladies~! i tried all of'em today & lemme tell ya Diorshow is amaaazing, Lychee Luxe is exactly what i hoped it would be, Virgin Isle is way too bright for my taste but i still like it, and the #275 = LOVE!

almmaaa, i dont know by how much exactly did the prices go up but i know that eyeshadows went from AED 61 to AED 65, and CCB's from AED 75 to AED 82!! =/


Well-known member
yes when i was back home for the hollidays (muscat) i noticed that the prices went up. Eyeshadows used to be RO 6.500 and now they are RO 7.00!! Ages ago the eyeshadows used to be RO 5.00 only! so it goes up by .500 each time. sucks


Well-known member
I too love Lychee Lux...what I don't love are my CCBs...beautiful colors, terrible creasing! I even used over UDPP! Have you had this problem?


Well-known member
merciiii everyone! ^_^

MACpro__*, I live in the UAE (AD)
pinkbweakfast, love Lychee Luxe too! its so pretty everyone should get it!
mochajavalatte, Diorshow is just perfect =D
little teaser, thanks hun! loves it too
Perple1, i have not used Virgin Isle on my lids.. i can see how it would crease so bad though cuz its sooo creamy.. i only use it as a blush on my lips