A mother's journey


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Why do people have to go through things like this? God, I'm crying right now.


Well-known member
Once I'm done with all my schooling this is why I will never ever be able to practice as an NP in a pediatric oncology ward.

I'm still crying.

I have two sons, they are 10 and 11, and I would just die if something happened to one of them
I commend this woman for such strong grace under all this sadness.


Well-known member
That is so poignant... I'm crying at the though of having to watch someone you love die a slow death. Especially a child. I don't know how parents keep going after the death of a child.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Jeisenne
Once I'm done with all my schooling this is why I will never ever be able to practice as an NP in a pediatric oncology ward.

I'm still crying.

I have two sons, they are 10 and 11, and I would just die if something happened to one of them
I commend this woman for such strong grace under all this sadness.

hey lady, i commend YOU for everything you do for your sons! from what i know (which isnt much but hey), your boys are amazing!!! so you are one to look up to as well
(ps--i'm _xghostofyou on LJ so dont think im some weird stalker lolol)

i truly admire women with the strength to not lose hope and love in difficult situations.


Well-known member
Reading/hearing stories like that makes me think that i don't have major problems and that whatever is letting me down does not match anything like what others are going through. There are bigger things going on in life. What an incredible lady she is. My heart goes out to people who go through these things and similar situations.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lainz
hey lady, i commend YOU for everything you do for your sons! from what i know (which isnt much but hey), your boys are amazing!!! so you are one to look up to as well
(ps--i'm _xghostofyou on LJ so dont think im some weird stalker lolol)

i truly admire women with the strength to not lose hope and love in difficult situations.

Ahhhh haha hey girlie
Thank you so much, my boys will be fine, when I see or hear about other kids and some things they go through, I am grateful that my kids are not that bad. I have them (they're not dying) and I can REACH them.

For those wondering, my sons are both high functioning autistic kids. I love them as they are and I would not trade them for "normal" kids. They are exceptional human beings and they will make it far in this world.


Well-known member
I remember this...

This was in the Sacramento Bee Newspaper as a 4 or 5 part story. It was the most heartwrenching story.... I remember reading it while I was at work, and would just start crying...


Well-known member
That was so beautiful. Just the thought of what she must have been going through inside. How hard it must be for her to hide her pain in front of her child. To watch him deteriorate before her eyes....I can't even begin to imagine what that's like. I've learned not to question God's will. There is a reason why he gave her a child to take care of this way. There is a reason why she was chosen to bear this. There's a reason for everything God does. Everything and everyone on this earth has a purpose to fulfill. I can't imagine how much she must have hurt furthermore, I can't imagine how much that baby must have hurt. Thankfully he's no longer suffering. That would be the only thing to give me peace.