A Praise to Specktra


Well-known member
I just want to say that I am really enjoying this forum. Specktra is the first forum I've ever joined and taken a part in, and I love the fact that I can learn about things that happen in different cultures or different areas. I also really enjoy that despite the fact that people may have views that differ from yours, there is still no animosity or any childish reactions. The forum design is also very neat and oragnized and makes it especially easy to navigate throughout the different threads. Thank you Specktra, and all the people who work on Specktra to make it the great forum that it is!! Makes me wish I had found this forum sooner!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kuuipo1207
I just want to say that I am really enjoying this forum. Specktra is the first forum I've ever joined and taken a part in, and I love the fact that I can learn about things that happen in different cultures or different areas. I also really enjoy that despite the fact that people may have views that differ from yours, there is still no animosity or any childish reactions. The forum design is also very neat and oragnized and makes it especially easy to navigate throughout the different threads. Thank you Specktra, and all the people who work on Specktra to make it the great forum that it is!! Makes me wish I had found this forum sooner!



Well-known member
This website is so fun and always intresting.
I love reading everything on here.
/bow /praise