ACK, Antiquitease invite thru email!


Well-known member
I have no clue on how I got the invite. I only purchased those two nail polishes from the blue storm and smoke signals collection from the website lol. But I'm sooooooooooooo happy I got the invite!


Well-known member
Am I thie only one in NY who's invite (email) was for a store in Harlem? I got the mail and was hoping hoping hoping it'd be at the pro store but


Well-known member
I think the invites are for all sorts of reasons. I know I got mine because the MA's at my store and I get along well. Because when i walked into my store recently, they all asked to make sure I got my invitation and was coming.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ShexyKristin
Are these only for the free standing locations or do counters have these too?

From my experience, counters have events but it's not a pre-release party. They let people know about the collection in advance and ask if the customer would like to book a makeover with the new products. At my counter they do some makeovers just outside of the department store with a theme set up of the collection to draw people in.


Well-known member
yeah!!! ig ot in the email too!!!
though i don't know how i got invited... i remember the girlt elling me she'll email me about the special events but i've never recieved one until now...
i'd love to go, but unfortunately, i am in london for school booo!!!
but i did go to a mac and pre-ordered a pallet which I CAN"T WAIT!


Well-known member
I received mine a few days ago. With all the moola I've plunked down on MAC stuff for the last 6 weeks, they should invite me
Too bad it's not at the pro store downtown Toronto. I don't really feel like trekking out to Mississauga especially now that the weather's turning colder.
But I'd really like to hear all about it after the other ladies have attended!


Well-known member
I know I'm going to buy a lot of stuff but does my sister have to spend like $100 or over when we go?


Well-known member
I got that invite in my email too. I'm not going because I'll be working, but even if I was free Square One is out in the middle of nowhere for me @__@"

Totally not transit friendly. Usually the events have been at the Bloor St. store before.

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