adesign brushes!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
Does the pointed kabuki soak up a lot of product? I was thinking of buying this for liquid foundation...

It doesn't soak up much, just like any other foundation brush. It's super soft and blends really nicely.


Well-known member
I used the pointed kabuki today with SFF and I love it! I put a little bit of SFF on the back of my hand and gently swirl the brush in it and it doesn't soak up much I agree.

For me it is now my HG liquid foundation brush because it especially works so well on the problem area around me nose where I used to apply too much or not enough foundation with other brushes before. It blends so nicely on my entire face.. love!


Well-known member
Damn it, I missed out, I thought I would get it for Xmas but I didn't. Seems like the sale is over. Do they have sales frequently??


Well-known member
I've noticed for the past 2 months they've been having different brushes at half price, you just have to keep checking


Well-known member
Oh my goodness, the shipping is STUPID fast! I placed my order on Sunday and it's here!!! Woopee!

I'm definitely gonna order some more brushes from them. I only got the pointed foundation cuz I saw pixiwoo using one, and my bandwagonist mentality got the best of me. It's awesome!!! I love it. Soft but dense and buffs liquid and cream foundation so good. I'm gonna rest my 187 for a lil bit.