Advice on what to do with a seller who disappears...?


Well-known member
I never, ever heard from the seller, but oddly, they seem to be actively selling again.


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Would love to know.....


Well-known member
The original sale thread had lots of complaints in it, including posts from me warning people that stuff that was still listed for sale was paid for by me and never received. That thread is now gone and a new one is in its place (the things I bought and was refunded for by Paypal are still for sale).

I think it would have been a good idea for the seller to acknowledge what happened before they started selling on this site again. If you read this thread, I gave the seller the benefit of the doubt and would have been more than receptive to an explanation.

I am really not sure what I should do. I don't want to be a total bitch here.


Well-known member
I can't remember if the seller listed off-site feedback at the time, I believe they had a couple of "it was okay" feedbacks here. They've been signed up a year and a half at this point, although my experience was in January of this year. They haven't been particularly active --- I've been signed up for only two months longer than this poster and I have quadruple the amount of posts.

I didn't leave iTrader feedback because technically, there wasn't any transaction and the person disappeared for a long time --- I thought they had simply left the boards. Now I realize how dopey that was of me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Meisje
The original sale thread had lots of complaints in it, including posts from me warning people that stuff that was still listed for sale was paid for by me and never received. That thread is now gone and a new one is in its place (the things I bought and was refunded for by Paypal are still for sale).

I think it would have been a good idea for the seller to acknowledge what happened before they started selling on this site again. If you read this thread, I gave the seller the benefit of the doubt and would have been more than receptive to an explanation.

I am really not sure what I should do. I don't want to be a total bitch here.

You are not! In fact, you have been extremely reasonable!!! That seller has the problem not you & they need to be looked into or booted. That was just flat out deceptive & wrong on their part.

I notice that newbies come on this site for no other reason than to peddle their wares.


Well-known member
This may be an occation where you may want to name and shame the seller. For the better benefit of the larger community. I buy from Speckra because I trust the women here.
I would have just left either neutral or negative feedback. That's what feedback is for, even though the transaction didn't go through, you still can leave feedback based on the whole experience. Everyone else can choose to trust the seller or not based on that. Maybe just leave an honest post on the sellers sale thread and leave it at that if your not allowed to leave feedback anymore.


Well-known member
To help your fellow Specktra-ites make an informed decision I would definitely leave feedback ASAP about what happened before it happens to someone else. You're not telling lies, you're stating your experience with this person. Besides, maybe you will finally get an explanation.

The only excuse I would take is if the person was dead (sorry to be blunt) but they're obviously not. Personal issues or not they could have sent you a very quick message or email saying "Sorry about the delay I have had *blah blah blah* happen". That takes just 2 minutes & any reasonable honest person would have taken the time.

Not good enough!

Maybe you should contact a Moderator to see what the policy is about naming & shaming, and if it's OK with them, I'd do it! If it's not OK, at least your feedback will be there.

We've got to show people that this is NOT ON & it won't be tolerated. If you want to do things like this, go elsewhere!


Well-known member
i think that you should leave feeback as a negative or neautral. this way it will let other people know what happened without causing a scene. i don't think that naming and shaming would be a good idea at this time. the feedback will speak volumes.

luckily i have only had one transaction on specktra turn sour - products never arrived and i never got my money back. because it wasnt a huge amount of money i wasn't too fussed. but it did make me warey so now i always read feedback.

and i may have said this before but i personally prefer to buy things from people that i have spoken to in other threads. not just people that come on to sell their things. this somehow makes me feel a bit safer if i have communicated with the person outside of the sales threads.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one
You are not! In fact, you have been extremely reasonable!!! That seller has the problem not you & they need to be looked into or booted. That was just flat out deceptive & wrong on their part.

I notice that newbies come on this site for no other reason than to peddle their wares.

"Peddle their wares" - that just struck me as so funny this morning! Don't ask me why. I am weird.


Well-known member
Thanks for the advice, guys.

I am definitely not into outright naming and shaming but I did leave a neutral feedback stating that the seller disappeared after I paid and that I had to file a Paypal complaint. It technically deserves a negative but I'm still unaware as to what happened so, just in case something terrible happened (although I agree there has been ample time to contact me!!!), I left it as neutral.

I really don't have any hard feelings about it and don't wish the poster any ill will, but it was a terrible feeling to pay for something and have the person drop off the face of the earth and I don't want it to happen to anyone else.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bellaboomboom
"Peddle their wares" - that just struck me as so funny this morning! Don't ask me why. I am weird.

I guess its kind of an old fashion saying. But I'm happy to make you laugh dear


Well-known member
On that note...I'm wondering if anyone is still waiting for a package that was supposed to arrive a month ago? I don't think names are allowed, so if anyone is, please let me know. I bought from a seller the first of Sept, and nothing has arrived. I've contacted her, and she has contacted back giving me plausible explainations so I have been so patient. The last contact was the 28th, which she said she has mailed out. I have not seen anything or heard anything. I've filed a dispute, and it has been automatically escalated to a claim. Pretty much bummed about it, since I've been so nice about her issues.


Well-known member
An update on this...

I just got an angry message from the seller whom I paid in January and got the reversal on in March. Most of the message is in caps as if they are yelling, and the message claims they never received payment from me. I have the messages I sent and proof of the Paypal reversal. On the advice of this thread, I left that neutral feedback (months ago) when the seller started selling again.

Well, the message threatens that if I do not remove the neutral (which they claim is "negative" even though it's not) feedback, they will leave negative feedback for me to "warn" sellers! I did nothing wrong. It's very upsetting, especially if you recall how much benefit of the doubt I gave this seller.


Well-known member
The left me a rather libelous negative feedback without even answering my message. Now I regret leaving neutral feedback and wish I'd left a negative.

I have Paypal documents to prove she is lying but I'm not sure what to do about this. Do I have any immediate recourse in terms of my feedback? This is so upsetting :(


Well-known member
That makes no sense to say she never received payment, because then PP would have nothing to reverse!! I don't think there is any recourse unless you decide to get outside advice. You've already received your refund, and feedback has been left on both sides, so that pretty much completes a transaction. Maybe you could contact one of the moderators about the seller and give them a heads up.


Well-known member
This person has never responded to my reply asking how they justified never answering my communications.

I am willing to send a screenshot of the Paypal reversal to anyone who wants to see it.

I have sent the seller the screenshots, forwarded the emails from Paypal and the email I sent inquiring about my purchase. Unfortunately, there's nothing to be done about the unfair feedback I received.