African Black Soap


Well-known member
When any of you all started using black soap, did it break you out at first? Or if you had already been broken out, how long was it for you until you started seeing some improvement in your skin? I've been using my soap and shea butter daily, just curious how everyone else did as far as maybe adjusting to it, or if you miraculously woke up one morning and noticed your skin was looking great...

I'm breaking out slightly, but I'm pretty sure it's because I went out drinking 2 nights this week so that's always bad for skin, plus not getting enough rest, AND starting my "lady time." I refuse to blame my current skin issues on my new products dammit.


Well-known member
Update: I've been using this soap and unrefined shea butter twice daily and so far, so good. I had a few new pimples at first, but they quickly went away. Old scars seem to be fading. My skin is actually looking better.

Only downside: My boyfriend and our room mates keep asking why there's a turd in the soap dish...


Well-known member
I divide my shea butter into Ziploc Twist-n-Loc storage containers and store it in my freezer. It stays fresh that way!

Here is a pic of the container.........




Well-known member
I LOVE black soap.
I use the Dudu Osum soap. It's so creamy! However, it can be a bit messy. After spending excess $$ on Juice beauty and other brands, black soap keeps my face soft and acne free (except on TOM). Other face cleansers and soap dry my out causing my face to produce excess oil. After using black soap for over 3 months I noticed a dramatic decrease in oiliness. Don't get me started on unrefined shea butter. It keeps my skin silky smooth. I would use it for a face moisturizer but I find it to be greasy. I like the smell of it. I never understood the complaints about the smell.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ashk36
Update: I've been using this soap and unrefined shea butter twice daily and so far, so good. I had a few new pimples at first, but they quickly went away. Old scars seem to be fading. My skin is actually looking better.

Only downside: My boyfriend and our room mates keep asking why there's a turd in the soap dish...

i am glad its working for you. you only need a teeny tiny bit of the shea butter for your face. the turd in the soap dish is tooo funny!! the amount i break off to use is small as a dime. i just roll it around in my palms under the water until i get a good lather using my hands to cleanse my face.


Well-known member
I didn't know black soap looked like that. Usually when I walk down the street it's literally a black bar of soap, I need to check on that.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ashk36
You know, I honestly do not mind the smell of the shea butter. My favorite hobby is baking, and when I received my shea butter it looked like something I'd use in the kitchen. Kinda looked like white chocolate. I think I tricked my brain into smelling something different because to me it smells like something I'd use in my baking. Then again, I only used a teeny tiny bit. I really do feel like my skin looks brighter already after just one night's use. Doubt I'll be using it in the daytime though, it does make me feel quite greasy. And with the humid summers we have here I do not need any added greasiness to my face in the daytime!!

It can actually be used for cooking!
Northern Ghanaians use it to cook because it's so abundant there.

I know it sounds like I'm pimping out my mom's company (because I am) but for anyone who isn't too fond of the scent of the raw shea butter, you should consider checking out my mom's products.

She whips the natural shea butter with natural oils and fragrances for a creamier, smoother consistency that is easier and softer to apply.
She puts lavender oils, grape seed oil, citrus oils and all kinds of stuff so you don't smell like you spent the whole day in a kitchen.


Her most popular is "Citron" scented shea butter. She sold 300 today at this craft fair.

It's good shit!

Originally Posted by ashk36
Only downside: My boyfriend and our room mates keep asking why there's a turd in the soap dish...

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah *wheeze* hahahahahahahahahah


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
It can actually be used for cooking!
Northern Ghanaians use it to cook because it's so abundant there.

I know it sounds like I'm pimping out my mom's company (because I am) but for anyone who isn't too fond of the scent of the raw shea butter, you should consider checking out my mom's products.

She whips the natural shea butter with natural oils and fragrances for a creamier, smoother consistency that is easier and softer to apply.
She puts lavender oils, grape seed oil, citrus oils and all kinds of stuff so you don't smell like you spent the whole day in a kitchen.


Her most popular is "Citron" scented shea butter. She sold 300 today at this craft fair.

It's good shit!

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah *wheeze* hahahahahahahahahah

You're really tempting me to try your mom's stuff, but I have this huuuge amount of shea butter and I feel like it's a waste if I don't at least use half of it up! Her stuff does look way prettier than mine... Does she have a website?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ashk36
You're really tempting me to try your mom's stuff, but I have this huuuge amount of shea butter and I feel like it's a waste if I don't at least use half of it up! Her stuff does look way prettier than mine... Does she have a website?

Lol, sowwy.

She's in the process of creating a website but I'll provide you all with a link once it's up.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
It can actually be used for cooking!
Northern Ghanaians use it to cook because it's so abundant there.


Her most popular is "Citron" scented shea butter. She sold 300 today at this craft fair.

It's good shit!

Erin (Scandalous Beauty) is always bigging up who makes whopped shea butter too. The reviews complaining about the smell put me off ordering though. My shea butter doesn't smell bad so I don't why hers does to some people.

I like the fact your Mum adds oils to make the scent more attractive. When her site is up, please let me know. Breaking off hardened shea butter gets tiring at times and being able to apply it like a body butter really appeals to me.



Well-known member
Whole Foods carries a brand called Alaffia. I bought their unscented liquid African black soap (made from shea butter from Togo, made in Olympia, Washington). I loved the price ($9.00) and the quality/feel, but the smell really made me gag. It had a very prominent waxy, crayon-like smell that clung to everything.

Really amazing feel on the skin, though.


New member
Originally Posted by swaly
Whole Foods carries a brand called Alaffia. I bought their unscented liquid African black soap (made from shea butter from Togo, made in Olympia, Washington). I loved the price ($9.00) and the quality/feel, but the smell really made me gag. It had a very prominent waxy, crayon-like smell that clung to everything.

Really amazing feel on the skin, though.

Rep Oly!! I voluntered at a homelessness Advocay Center here in Olympia and Alaffia was kind enough to donate a HUGE amount of their products (It could have stocked a small store, not joking). They have a very extensive variety. They only problem I had was a horrible allergic reaction to one of the body creams. I refused to take the risk again (red face for 2 hours!! bah!). I still support their products (local business, and community outreach!) regardless.

P.S. As far as African Black Soap in concerned, this stuff is a miracle! I bought my big ol' block from CS back in March and I can not say enough about it. I convinced many friends to purchase it. Its amazing! After getting pregnany with my daughter, my once flawless skin got under-the-skin breakouts and discoloration. It was devistating! It's been three years that I've been struggling with this and African Black Soap was the answer I was looking for. I was tired of products and skin treatments that had all sorts of chemicals in it that were suppost to help my skin. They managed to do quite the opposite.

I wanted something natural. For $13, psssh, hellz yeah I was gonna try out ABS!! I love it. My skin has totally evened out, and is soooo smooooth! I use it all over and it's amazing. I will continue to recommend this to ANYONE!!

Any suggestions on how to get it into a more useable form? Bar? Do I get all melty on it's ass?? Throw it in a double boiler? lol.


Active member
I've been hearing all about this on MUA, too.

Anybody know where the cheapest place is to get black soap on the internet? Or any particular eBay sellers that sell authentic black soap?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ztirkazoid
I've been hearing all about this on MUA, too.

Anybody know where the cheapest place is to get black soap on the internet? Or any particular eBay sellers that sell authentic black soap?

I have been using the stuff from coastal scents since the day i started this thread pretty much, and i have noooo complaints. $13 for a big ass 1lb chunk, can't hate on that. I definitely suggest getting the unrefined shea butter they have to go along with it. I swear it's been fading my red marks. That or it's just wishful thinking, i dunno.


Well-known member
I too, recently ordered the Dudu Osun Black soap & unrefined shea butter for my problematic skin!

I LOVELOVELOVE the Black Soap as a hand & body soap, but I used it maybe 2x on my face & it broke me out REALLY badly (several cystic pimples) so I stopped. . . this thread has tempted me to try it again, & i am a sucker for punishment, so. . . we'll see. . . I know it takes awhile for skin to adjust to products, but. . . whenever I get a zit, even a small one, it leaves scars & hyperpigmentation that take MONTHS to clear up. . .

It is wonderful on the body tho & i've converted my family to it! I love the smell! At first they made fun of my "Doo-doo soap" as they called it, but now they love it!!!

The Shea butter I use at night on my face & it really makes it glow!

Anyway, does anyone know what the "soap agent" is in the Dudu soap, like what is making it lather up & cleanse? Because it seems a little harsh/drying. . . I know it's made of natural ingredients, but as far as I know, for something to lather up as much as it does, it has to contain lye or some kind of synthetic surfactant, but I couldn't find out what it is, & i'd like to make sure it's ok for my face before i try it again.



Well-known member
My best mate (who is a guy if that would add any variety to my answer) swears by this soap.

He had really really bad acne and this has totally cleared his face up.

He is now using jojoba oil as the soap started to dry his skin out once the spots and marks left.


Well-known member
Has anyone tried Nubian Heritage brand? I picked up a bar of the Black Soap and a Raw Shea Butter Lotion (which is amaaaaazing), but I have not tried the soap yet. The lovely ladies at the boutique said it was one of their best sellers. I want the Cocoa Butter lotion too, it smelled JUST LIKE chocolate.


So aside from CS and eBay, does anyone have any e-tailers they suggest to buy from? I really want to grab some, but I typically avoid CS and eBay if I can. Do any major stores carry it? Health food stores? I don't even know where to begin to look, but I really think it could help my hubby (and me) out. Thanks!


Well-known member
You really picked my interesteed on this.
Can you suggest me a seller, even on e-bay, who is trusted and ships outside th US?

Chocolategoddes your mum shea butter looks gorgeous, please post her website when is ready!