I have Stereo Rose in my shopping bag but my mom isn't home with the credit card so I have to wait. I'm not even sure if I want it that bad but I've been kind of swept up in all the hype. Do you girls think it's worth it?
Ok, im pretty sure stereo rose is guarenteed to be the first thing gone, but do you think it will be another MSF that goes second or something else? I do this the hard way, I get what I like then see what is a popular item then buy that stuff just because I dont wan't to kick myself later.
I stayed all really late waiting for Stereo Rose to come on the website. Then I checked this morning and it's sold out! I think it's ridiculous how few of these items MAC is producing. With the economy the way it is, it's ridiculous that if people are willing to spend money on something, they will not make more. I wanted Stereo Rose really bad to complete my MSF collection (I only need that one and Metal Rock) but I am so disappointed that I am not going to ever spend another penny on MAC now. I don't even wear the MSF's I have lol
This experience has been eye opening...I have a serious addiction to MAC. I got zero restful sleep last night for fear that this would launch. I drove like a bat out of hell this AM to get to work so I could be near a computer to stalk the website, and while I was lucky enough to be able to place my order, now I'm consumed with fear that my order will be cancelled. TERRIBLE! MAC I quit you (or at least I'm going to try to) this is just too much.
I might be able to get it at a MACYs counter or freestanding store but they are all like 45 mins. away from me. I don't really feel like driving all over and calling all over trying to track it down. I have never even worn pleasureflush and went through so many hoops to get that in a swap just because. I don't think I need it anyway. It's just a let down that MAC treats their loyal customers who spend thousands on MAC a year this way.
Originally Posted by LittleMaryJane Can you still only buy four of something from the MAC site? Because if not, I feel the blame lies more on those buying a bunch to resell.
F@ck!ng poachers!!!
I doubt it. I really don't think MAC cares how many loyal customers they piss off. So long as they get the $$$, I doubt they care. How many SRs' did they produce 150? I just dont believe that, that many individual people ordered SR in two hours.