Hello MacVigilante. My name is Sheri Butte and I am the owner of ACW (
allcosmeticswholesale.com). I am writing in to set the record straight on our company. First and foremost, we greatly appreciate our amazing ACW customers. Without them, we would of course not exist. So to our many fans and loyal customers, we THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts! To those of you here and out there reading, if you have had less than a perfect experience with us, I want to personally apologize to each and every one of you. I would also ask that if you have an issue, please email me personally at
[email protected]. I am happy to help in every way that I can.
It saddens me greatly that there is so much incorrect information out there in the social media world. If you knew me, you would know how incorrect 99.99999% of it is. Personally I feel that posting information on blogs should be based in fact, and not opinion as we all know how much misinformation can hurt a person and I would never want to be responsible for that. Therefore, I would like to share some FACTS with you all.
I have been on a mission for over 10 years to rid the world of counterfeit cosmetics. Why? Because they are dangerous and counterfeiting is stealing! It is personally hurtful that people see ACW synonymous with counterfeit when I we work so hard to keep fake product out of the marketplace. No one, no matter how much money you think you can make from selling fake product, should EVER sell something less than original. Its simply wrong and there is a human being or multiple human beings, being hurt behind every company you think you are not hurting by knocking off their product.
For those of you that do not know, ACW is primarily a discount beauty website. However, we also carry a few full price retail lines for the convenience of an all in one shopping experience. For the lines that we offer at discount (below MSRP/Retail), please be aware that these products are purchased at discount from retailers and manufacturers for reasons including: shelf pull inventory, excess inventory, mislabeled inventory, less than retail perfect manufactured goods (we normally notate these as "Blems" and this is a term that we coined, not any manufacturer or brand thus it would mean nothing to a specific manufacturer), damaged inventories and discontinued inventories. For these and other reasons, we state that discounted items on ACW may NOT be retail perfect. Be aware that due to what may be a less than retail perfect item available on ACW, we do not recommend our discounted items for gift giving.
No, we do not buy on ebay and resell on ACW. No, we do not sell counterfeit cosmetics or "replica's" or "copies" or whatever term is being used by the counterfeiters this month. Yes, shipping is expensive. We know, we don't like it either. Yes, quite often your total purchase will be less than your shipping costs...that just means we have amazing prices!!!
I personally guarantee that every single item offered on ACW is 100% Authentic. I can make this guarantee because we buy from the approved retailers and manufacturers direct. If you purchase an item from ACW that you feel is less than authentic, just send it back. Its that easy. You would be incorrect in your assumption of in-authenticity, but that does not matter to me. What matters to me is that you are happy with your purchase and you WANT to come back and see us again. Bottom line. We have been in business for over 13 years because of our ability to provide authentic products at sometimes unbelievable prices and have the privileged of serving the most amazing customers EVER!
If you or anyone you know has a question, comment, concern or just wants to say hello, give them my email. I would love to help!
My direct email again is
[email protected]. I thank you all for reading and hope to hear from everyone here that has a concern.