ALL Kim Kardashian Look Requests/Recommendations go HERE!


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Originally Posted by aziajs
Agreed. I am not a professional but I would grade this with a FAIL. I usually really like Troy's work but I don't think he achieved the look he said he was going for. I get that he wanted it to be a little gothic and haunting but still a beauty shot that was striking but this just wasn't it.

I'm really bothered by her lack of eyebrows. Ick. Some girls can pull that sh*t off. She's not one.


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Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
Mario really caked that stuff on. I notice that he uses a puff and presses the powder on instead of dusting it over. that seems to be his technique. I don't really like the way he does skin but I love everything else.


i agree, i love the way he does eyes and lips but i like natural looking skin.


Well-known member
Ms.Kim looks HOT in Hotpink!!!



<3 it!!

Any MAC recs for the lips?


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Kim tonight @ the Teen Choice Awards. She went blonde for real this time. I'm liking her makeup:



From her blog:

This time it's for real, guys! I went blonde!!! I had been considering it ever since I wore that blonde wig, and I just decided to go for it!! What do you think? I am really loving it! I'm debuting my new look at the Teen Choice Awards tonight! Can't wait to hit the red carpet as a blonde!

Kim Kardashian official web site – photos, blog, news, bio


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I'm so conflicted on how to feel about the lighter hair!!!
I mean, she looks super beautiful but she looked so much more exotic and "unique" with the darker hair.

I wonder what's on her cheeks in that pic...


Well-known member
love her make-up in that one. she looks flawless..really pretty, no doubt, but her dark hair just brought out her exotic features more..i loved her for bein one of the few celebs NOT goin blonde!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ladyJ
She's still pretty but I like her with dark hair better

Agreed. The color is fantastic, but it washes her out a bit.


Active member
Re: What is Kim K wearing on her lips?

Originally Posted by GlamYOURUs
This is such a gorgeous coral/orange lippie but I can't pinpoint what it might be as far as MAC lippies go. And Kim usually wears MAC. I bought Meltdown and even though its such a pretty color, its nothing like what Kim is wearing in this pic. Any suggestions?


Thank you!

Cremesheen in Ravishing looks like this on me. I wear concealer in NC30 when I'm not tanned. Going to MAC today to figure out what my foundation shade is...but I have a mild tan so wish me luck.


Well-known member
when she wore that wig i hated her hair blonde but this is not so so bad. i agree, darker seems to suit her better but i know that personally i like to switch it up sometimes! i doubt it will last too long.


Active member
Originally Posted by LatinaRose
I like them both on her. While I prefer the dark, she looks fab w/ light hair and cmon, a girl has to switch it up at times. What, is she supposed to keep her hair dark b/c that' how we like it?? I'm sure she'll be back to dark once summer is over.

I wonder what lippie she is wearing in that pic.

I totally agree with you, it's a nice, airy change of pace.

I dunno about the lippie...

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