ALL Kim Kardashian Look Requests/Recommendations go HERE!


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Re: Guess that lippie ? The Kim K edition =P

Originally Posted by elegant-one
Speaking of Angel Cream l/g, someone on Ebay is paying $27.00 (last I looked) plus shipping???????

Just go order it from the MAC site or a store for crying out loud. Someone please tell me why people do this. If it were disc. that may be one thing, but its readily available for waaay cheaper.

Going a bit OT here, but anyways... MAC just isn't sold everywhere. For instance, we in Finland only got ourselves a MAC counter less than a year ago. And mind you, there's still just one counter in the entire country. In addition, the MAC website is of no use, since they don't deliver to Europe. So, for the majority of us, that pretty much leaves just Ebay.


Well-known member
Re: Guess that lippie ? The Kim K edition =P

Originally Posted by Kaitlin_82
Going a bit OT here, but anyways... MAC just isn't sold everywhere. For instance, we in Finland only got ourselves a MAC counter less than a year ago. And mind you, there's still just one counter in the entire country. In addition, the MAC website is of no use, since they don't deliver to Europe. So, for the majority of us, that pretty much leaves just Ebay.

Have you tried the UK site, I'm not sure but there's a greater chance they ship to Europe.


Well-known member
Re: Can someone break down these Kim Kardashian looks?>>

i found this on a random site:

"Looking at Kim on the red carpet, one would instantly notice her kohl-rimmed dark brown eyes and olive skin. She also has great, natural eyebrows. She doesn’t sport the overly-plucked L.A. brow. But Kim’s lips are really the feature she pays attention to.

“In my make up bag, I always have MAC blush in ‘Pink Swoon,’ along with their travel size blush brush. A MAC lip liner in ‘Stripdown,’ with MAC lipstick in ‘Angel.’ And Nars lip gloss in ‘Turkish Delight.’”

Her blush, lip liner, lipstick, and lip gloss are all in the soft pink range. Nothing strong or too bright for her lips.

MAC Blush- Pink Swoon– Clearly Pink (Sheer tone Powder)

MAC Lip Liner- Stripdown-Naked Nutmeg (Pencil)

MAC Lipstick- Angel- Soft Pink (Frost)

Nars Lip Gloss- Turkish Delight- Pink Sorbet

As far as the one beauty item she could never live without, that’s the Nars lip gloss in ‘Turkish Delight.’ Kim isn’t alone in her praise of Nars. Many women call it the best lip gloss around, although not at the cheapest price, either. And it comes in a luscious array of shades. The ‘Turkish Delight,’ is described as pink sorbet, or better yet, a strawberry milkshake. The color is that pretty and soft."

the website is:
The Indian Make-up Diva: Not Technically Bollywood, but Great Make-up for Fair Skinned Desi Ladies

i love her looks too. im def gonna check out that blush!

Honey B. Fly

Well-known member
Re: Can someone break down these Kim Kardashian looks?>>

the 2nd pic looks like:

espresso (crease)
mulch (lid)
ricepaper (inner corners + brow bone)

and then it looks like her usual combo of pink swoon/stripdown/angel/turkish delight


Well-known member
Re: Can someone break down these Kim Kardashian looks?>>

That first look looks like A combo of Retrospeck and Humid. Retrospeck all over the lid and Humid in the crease and along the lower lashline. Her lips...well, I have used Half N Half with Jellybabe Lipgelee over it and gotten a similar look.


Well-known member
Re: Can someone break down these Kim Kardashian looks?>>

Here is a closer pic of the 2nd look.


Hmmm....It reminds me of Hipnotique (LE/DC), French Grey (LE/DC), and Carbon. Pretty look. I think I will try that.


Well-known member
Re: Can someone break down these Kim Kardashian looks?>>

Originally Posted by Fairybelle

^^The link above is to a thread that was almost dupe to this time I rec that you do a quick search first to see what people have already contributed-- you will save yourself a LOT of time and runaround answers. HTH!!

This thread was made BEFORE the "guess that lippie" thread was made.


Well-known member
Re: Can someone break down these Kim Kardashian looks?>>

Originally Posted by Kristal_Uhles
This thread was made BEFORE the "guess that lippie" thread was made.

Mmmm OK then...I stand corrected. Just trying to minimize the same threads burping up on the same subjects, even if they are older. Keeps the forum free for others to post new Rec requests!
Thanks for understandin'!


Well-known member
What is Kim Kardashian wearing?? (again!)

The lovely Miss Kardashian seems to be all over Specktra lately! I saw these pics of her and I ADORE the color she has on her lower lashline. Can anyone help?



It's such a pretty color, almost the same color as her dress! For the life of me I can't think of something similar...

Any ideas would be much appreciated!


Well-known member
Re: What is Kim Kardashian wearing?? (again!)

what about steamy e/s? that could work I think if you load it up on the brush & get it dark enough!


Well-known member
Re: What is Kim Kardashian wearing?? (again!)

If you can find it, MAC Sagegrass Power Point.


Well-known member
Re: What is Kim Kardashian wearing?? (again!)

*~*It looks like she has either Pink Source or Sweet Lust on her lid, with Steamy as a lower liner...Lips (of course) look like Stripdown l/l, a touch of Angel l/s, & Nars Turkish Delight l/g...HTH!!!


Well-known member
Re: What is Kim Kardashian wearing?? (again!)

the first colour that came to my mind was steamy e/s...

Honey B. Fly

Well-known member
Re: What is Kim Kardashian wearing?? (again!)

on my screen it kinda looks like navyblue liner on her waterline and then a shimmery silver underneath her lashes

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